Join a Task Force

At a community meeting on February 25, 2021, 90 Londonderry community members whittled down a list of 19 action ideas to 3 priorities that offer opportunities strengthen the town:

  • Expand Affordable Housing

  • Develop a Community Center

  • Revitalize the Village Centers

Task force groups have formed to take action. Contact or to find out more and/or join a task force.


Expand Affordable Housing

Many residents see a crucial need for more affordable, safe, and quality housing for people of all ages and income levels. A Housing Committee could work with regional partners such as the Windham & Windsor Housing Trust to assess current needs and explore options including new development, co-housing models, multi-generational housing, and more. Additionally, the group could focus on a review of zoning and other regulations to improve housing development opportunities and access.

Develop a Community Center

A group could form to develop a community center space in Londonderry to serve as a community gathering space, afterschool hub, youth center, potential childcare site, and more. Spaces for redevelopment could include the Mill Property, the Old Town Hall, or the group could consider new development to carry out these functions.

Revitalize the Village Centers

A group could form to work with regional and state experts to develop and implement a plan to revive, beautify, and redevelop the Londonderry village centers. Plans could find a balance for a design that protects the rural character of the community while creating a stronger sense of place, improved aesthetics, and accessibility. Plans could include signage, sidewalks, traffic calming strategies, bike lanes, benches, and more. The community could examine a 1% local options tax as a funding tool to support these efforts.