
VCRD's Community Visit program was a three-month series of public meetings that included:

Community Visit Day:
Kick-off Forums

Wed, Feb 3rd, 6-9pm

Community shared challenges and ideas in focus forums.

Notes and video recordings below.

Community Meeting Day

Thurs, Feb 25th, 6:30-8:30pm

Community members prioritized action items and signed up for task forces.

List of action ideas and agenda. Video recording below.

Community Resource Day

Tues, Mar 16th, 6:30-9pm

Task forces created action plans and worked with a Resource Team to identify next steps.

Community Meeting Day - action ideas and video recording

The Londonderry community came together on February 25, 2021 to discuss 19 action ideas that emerged from input from over 150 residents at the community forums (below) and through online and paper surveys. Attendees used an online dot voting system to narrow down the list to 8 priorities. Residents then discussed the priorities they believed would be most impactful. In a second round of voting, the Londonderry community selected 3 top action idea priorities. These top 3 action ideas form the task forces that will meet at the community resource day March 16.

Community Visit Forums - notes and video recordings

Facilitated by VCRD, the Londonderry Vermont community came together on February 3rd, 2021 to talk about assets, challenges, and ideas for Londonderry's future. Federal, state, business, nonprofit, and philanthropic leaders joined the discussions as a listening team and will support the community in months ahead with recommendations, ideas and support in developing action plans and funding strategies.

Notes from the forum discussions on February 3rd and through the online survey can be found here:

This 3-hour video includes the opening and closing sessions along with breakout conversations on economic development, jobs, & village centers and housing & transportation.

This 1 hour 15 min video includes the breakout conversation on recreation, health & wellness.

This 22 minute video includes some of the breakout discussion on youth, families and childcare. Due to an internet glitch we weren't able to capture the full session.

Additional content

In this video produced by GNAT-TV, VCRD's Jenna Koloski provides an overview of the One Londonderry Community Visit process.