Online Learning Center

Course Catalog


Online Learning Center Join online classes taught by VAL teachers. Additional courses may be offered either in-person or remotely at each VAL Learning Center. All courses are available at no cost for Vermont residents age 16 and older who are enrolled with VAL.

Adult Diploma Program  Vermont residents, age 16 and older who have never earned a high school diploma can enroll with VAL.  Through Vermont's Adult Diploma Program  (ADP), students can complete the requirements for a diploma from their local high school. Vermont's Agency of Education will be making changes to this program during the summer of 2024.  However, it is anticipated that the courses contained in this catalog, along with others available through VAL Learning Centers, will count towards these new requirements.

GED Program  Vermont residents, age 16 and older who have never earned a high school diploma can enroll with VAL for GED tutoring. The courses described in this catalog, along with others available through VAL Learning Centers, can help prepare you for the GED in one or more of the four required subject areas: mathematical reasoning, reasoning through language arts, social studies, and science.  For more information of the GED Program click here GED Overview 

English Language Learners (ELL) Program  Vermont residents, age 16 and older who are native speakers of other languages can enroll with VAL for tutoring in the English language. Through courses contained in this catalog, along with others available through VAL Learning Centers, there are many levels of ELL courses for improving reading, writing, and listening. In general, classes include dictations, history & civics, grammar, conversational games, and other readings in various formats. There are also classes to prepare you for the US Citizenship Test.



Already a VAL student? Let your Education Advisor know you would like to take one of these courses.

Not a VAL student? No problem! It's easy to enroll as a student. Email us at or contact your local VAL Learning Center, found below. 

We want to hear from you!

Do you want to learn more about one of the courses listed in this catalog? Is there a course you would like to see offered in the future? Would you like to learn more about becoming a student? Let us know by filling out the form below.