Final Design

Our Final Design was approached in three different sections & deliverables:

    • Environmental Analysis using LCA software (Simapro)
    • Hugelkultur Bed design & calculations from AutoCAD
    • Hugel Bed placement with GIS

Using all three programs, we were able to transition from Life Cycle Assessment, to design/creation, and then to placement of solutions around the Winery. Once all design and placements had been finalized, we then we able to refer back to the LCA to see what progress environmentally had been accomplished. After environmental goals had been attained, it was also necessary to complete an economic analysis on all proposed solutions to ensure economic feasibility.

Contained with the three subpages in Final Design are:

    • Environmental Analysis
    • Hugelkultur
    • Economic Analysis


Through the use of LCA analysis, a plan was developed to reduce greenhouse gases. By implementing hugelkultur beds, renewable energy resources, and eco-glass bottles, the winery will be GHG emissions neutral before year 10 and negative by year 30. The economic viability of solutions is also less than 10% of yearly revenue.