Grading Policy
Performances are required and are graded. MISSING A SCHEDULED PERFORMANCE WILL RESULT IN A “0” GRADE FOR THAT PERFORMANCE, except in the case of sickness or family emergency. Band members are expected to attend all performances and rehearsals. Conflicts with Athletic and Other Events do arise and Valley Park High School strongly encourages students to be involved in a variety of activities. Good communication with directors, coaches, and sponsors will alleviate concerns and questions of the intent and commitment to the group when a conflict arises.
In all cases, a performance or game takes precedent over a practice (i.e. a band performance takes precedence over a sports practice and an athletic match/game takes precedence over a band practice). It is the responsibility of the student to identify any such conflict and to bring it to the attention of the coaches and directors at least 2 weeks (14 days) in advance.
Google Classroom will be used for assessments throughout the school year. Playing assignments for all grade levels are expected. Students will submit videos of assignments either with a phone, laptop, or the school IPad. These should be completed outside of class time. The band room has many open times throughout the day to complete assignments or to use the space for practice. Students are always welcome to stop by in the mornings before classes start, high school students can use their WIN (What I Need) lunch period/ academic advisory time, middle school students can ask to come in during their hawk time (Monday or Thursday), and students can stay after school and take the activity bus home. The band room is open most days after school until 4:00 pm, students are expected to let Ms. Porter know if they plan to attend, as various meetings do take place after school and with prior preparation, we can guarantee a timeframe for students to use the space.