(Reference Management Tools)

There are many free online reference Management tools available for the researchers to help them in the referencing process. A reference management tool helps in:

  • capturing your sources as you find them on the internet

  • helps you to organise and save your sources

  • insert citations in your written work &

  • create a bibliography

For manifold benefits and needs of using reference management tools please answer these questions:

  • Do you have a large piece of writing to do?

  • Will you need to use lots of different sources?

  • Do you sometimes forget where you found a quote?

  • Do you find writing your bibliography time consuming or difficult?

  • Do you sometimes need to switch referencing styles?

  • Would you like to refer back to your sources at a later date?

  • Are you prepared to spend some time setting up a system for saving your sources so you can save time later when you are writing?

If answer is 'yes' to three or more of the above then a reference management tool could help you. Some of the free Online Reference Management tools are: