TDSB Digital Lead Learner (DLL)

"Digital Lead Learners (DLL) is a Professional Learning Network of volunteer elementary and secondary teachers interested in and dedicated to supporting the curricular use of technology. " Sessions are offered throughout the TDSB after school, as well as PD days and during lunch sessions.

For additional teacher resources and support:

TDSB DLL GC & GStuie Apps

Global Competencies & GSuite Apps

After school sessions for TDSB School Staff PD

Vice-Principals, Learning Centre 2

Professional learning session on January 18th, 2018.

Introduction to Global Competencies and GSuite Apps: Drive

TDSB DLL: VP LC2 GSuite:Drive Jan 2018

Summer Institute 2017

Global Competencies Summer Institute - Google+ Community

  • Day 1 - On School Site from 8:45 AM - 3:00 PM

  • Day 2 - Global Competency online sessions from a location of your choice - AM

  • Day 3 - Technology online sessions from a location of your choice - AM

  • Day 4 - On School Site consolidating & carousel of sharing - 9:00 AM - noon.

Final Copy of DLL Copy of DLL NEW Google Sites after school workshop 2016-17
DLL Google Sites after school workshop 2015-16
Google Classroom - DLL After School Workshop Miller (2016)

McMurrich Jr PS 2015-2016 school year lunch and learn sessions offered for Kindergarten, Primary and Junior teachers.

DLL: Getting Started with GAFE McM Drawing (2016)
DLL: Getting Started with GAFE McM Slides (2016)
DLL: Getting Started with GAFE McM Docs (2016)