TDSB IT Symposium (2022)

Virtual Conference, 9th annual event for TDSB IT staff

Global Competencies & Deep Learning with Technology in Action

Copy of The Global Competencies and Deep Learning with Technology in Action (TDSB IT Symposium)

TDSB Beginning Teachers Summer Institute (2020)

Virtual Conference in partnership with CanCodeToLearn

Introduction to Lynx Coding, Using Mentor Texts & the UNSDGs as provocations for Coding with Micro:bits

BT Summer Institute - Introduction to Coding with LYNX & MicroBits

TDSB Beginning Teachers Equity Conference (February 2019)

Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE)

Co-presenting with Chelsea Attwell & Mahfuza Rahman

Copy of BT Equity Conference 2019 - Inclusive Design & fostering Deep Learning through the Global Competencies

K-12 Learning Coach Symposium 2018 

Japanese Cultural Community Centre  March 2018

Co-presenting with Marlena Rivett, Program Coordinator for Teaching and Learning with Technology 

Global Competencies & Assessment/Evaluation

Second Annual Mentoring Mondays 2018 

Maryvale Public School February 2018

TDSB Beginning Teachers Summer Institute 2017

Japanese Cultural Community Centre August 2018

TDSB Beginning Teachers Summer Institute 2016

Montecassino Conference Centre August 2016

Copy of Mentoring Mondays- Creativity: Every classroom a 'maker space'

Maker Space Teacher Facilitators: Melissa Seco, Annika Pint, Zelia Capitao-Tavares 

TDSB STEM Certification (2017)

The 4-day course focus is around STE(A)M, Trans Disciplinary teaching, the Design and Engineering process, inquiry, problem-based learning and 21 Century competency skills.

Check out TDSB STEM site & resources

STEM Teacher Facilitators:

STEM Innovators:

STEM Certificate - Day 1, Junior
STEM Certificate - Day 3, Junior
STEM Certificate - Day 2, Junior

 Day 4 – Japanese Cultural Centre – Key Note Speaker on 21 Century competency skills as it relates to STEM –Teacher sharing of STEM lessons, evidence of impact and samples of student work, exhibitor alley

TDSB Ward 11: Coding & Student Voice (2016)

Joined by 3 student co-presenters 

Coding in the Classroom (Ward 11 Sept 29, 2016)

McMurrich Junior Public School (2016)

McM Inquiry April 15 2016.pptx

TDSB Ward 11: Twitter (2014)


TDSB Ward 11 Forum: Twitter