Frog Breeder Genome Prototype

This prototype was a technical test at making characters whose appearance would be determined using a genetic system.


Each character (placeholders in the above image) has it's appearance dictated by an array of 8 integers, with each integer being a specific aspect of it's appearance (such as the first determining eye colour), while the value of the integer determines how that aspect appears. In the example above, any character with red eyes has a value of one for the first integer of their genome. 

New characters can be generated and assigned a completely random genome, or created by breeding two existing characters and have a random mix of both "parents" genomes. However, to prevent the population stagnating, every character has a "mutation" chance, which determines how likely it is for any of that characters genomes to be completely randomised at it's creation. The prototype is currently unfinished, and there is no way to demonstrate the "breeding" component of character creation from the build, however I do intend to add that, as well as more visual variety for the genetic system to take advantage of.

This was a small prototype I worked on completely by myself.