Textiles and Development 

Understanding the importance of textiles and the four main contributions to a garment, the fibre, fabric, yarn type and finish applied. Withhold a critical appreciation of the differences between textiles and how these differences impact textile performance and suitability in meeting the needs of current fashion trends. Ability to identify various textile elements with confidence and have a great understanding of textiles as a whole. 

Knowledgable textile properties and applying this knowledge to production and apparel manufacturing skills as well understanding how a garment evolves from a sketch into a completed product. Emphasizing the importance of knowing how the garment is constructed and how the sourcing of fabrics, trims and various other elements are completed. Overall valuing the need for quality over quantity within todays fashion industry.

Examples of work in textiles and product development

Hang Tag

Product care and washing instructions. Understanding federal guidelines for product labels and how to label hazardous precautions or care instructions accordingly.


Understanding the costs associated with sourcing fabrics, trims, packaging and labour and how it relates to the products retail and wholesale prices.


Knowing how to measure various product types and knowing measurement terminology. Understanding variance and how important measurement specifications are to the production process.

Ability to identify woven and knit fabrics as well as certain characteristics that go along with each fabric type. Quickly able to analyze a product and understand potential finishes that have been applied to it within the production process.

Fabric Specification & End Use

Ability to determine fabric specifications for knit and woven fabrics and understand what the content, yarn type or construction means to the overall end use of the fabric. Knowledge in applicable finish types for individual fabrics and what suitability each fabric has towards various end uses.