English Recipe Flowgraph

The recipe flowgraph datasets used in our papers published at CEA2017 [1] and LREC2020 [2] are available for download.


Please email me (yamakata [at] mi.u-tokyo.ac.jp ) with your name, affiliation, and purpose of using this data and then I will send the links to the corpora.

  • r-100 dataset

These recipes were sampled from each category of ‘dish type’ in the Allrecipes UK/Ireland web site (http://allrecipes.co.uk/) as of December 2016. The sample selection criteria are based on the proportions and rank orders in which recipes are listed within each dish type. The number of the recipes of each dish type in the web site and the corpus are shown in Table 3 in paper [1].

  • r-200 dataset

There recipes were sampled from the Allrecipes UK/Ireland web site completely randomly.


  • '*.list' provide r-NE list:

An example of the file is as below:

1 1 1 Preheat VV0 Ac-B

1 1 9 the AT O

1 1 13 oven NN1 T-B

1 1 18 to II O

1 1 21 170 MC St-B

1 1 25 C ZZ1 St-I

1 1 27 / CC O

1 1 29 Gas NN1 St-B

1 1 33 mark NN1 St-I

1 1 38 3 MC St-I

1 1 40 . . O


5 1 1 Bake VV0 Ac-B

5 1 6 in II O

5 1 9 the AT O

5 1 13 oven NN1 T-B

Here, the first three numbers show the number of the step, the number of the sentence in the step, and the number of word in the sentence. These three numbers are also used as node ID in the flowgraph file. The fourth token shows the corresponding word, the fifth token shows POS tag automatically labeled with the parsing system RASP, and the last token shows manually labeled r-NE tag.

  • '*.flow' provide flowgraph edge list

An example of the file is as below:

1 1 13 t 1 1 1

1 1 21 o 1 1 1

1 1 29 o 1 1 1


1 1 1 t-eq 5 1 13

Each line of the flow file corresponds to a directed edge in the recipe flowgraph. The first three numbers ('1 1 9' in the example above) represents the ID of the origin and the last three numbers ('1 1 1' ) represents the destination of the edge. These node IDs are as described above. Therefore, this example represents the following sub-graph;

oven/T -(Targ)-> Preheat/Ac

170 C/St -(Other-mod.)-> Preheat/Ac

Gas mark 3/St -(Other-mod.)-> Preheat/Ac


Preheat/Ac -(T-eq)-> oven/T

The tag in the center means the label of the edge. "a", "t", "d", "o" are abbreviation of "Agent", "Target", "Destination" and "Other-mod.", respectively.

A line started with "#" shows a comment written by an annotator, and should be ignored for processing purposes.


[1] Yoko Yamakata, John Carrol, and Shinsuke Mori, "A Comparison of Cooking Recipe Named Entities between Japanese and English", CEA2017, Pages 7–12, 2017.

[2] Yoko Yamakata, Shinsuke Mori and John Carroll, "English Recipe Flow Graph Corpus", LREC2020, paper number 582, 2020.