Exhibit 1


  • I made the text white because I feel that the yellow doesn't compliment the pictures

  • I rearranged the text so that it is read up to down in order

  • I turned up the opacity of the stars layer to bring a better juxtaposition between the classroom and the stars

I thought that the yellow font would contrast with the darker starry background... I think a simple white could do the same as well. My text was put at the top to correlate with the idea of reaching up. It was also positioned like a stair progression in the way you read it left to right. I don't know what it is but I am not a huge fan of this font (Trajan Color), though I did try a few others and I favored this one.

I downloaded the starry image from freeimages.com , and the image of the children raising their hands from freepik.com. I layered it with the children on the bottom and the stars on the top and I used a layer mask with a gradient to have the stars fade in. I also used the brush tool to draw some background behind the text with a very low opacity.