Foreign language subject pool

To those who are native speakers of a language other than Japanese

Some members of the Department of Language and Information Sciences are conducting psycho-linguistic experiments on speakers of various languages other than Japanese. Those who are willing to receive emails to take part in these experiments at your convenience, please refer to the following instructions and register for our “Foreign Language Subject Pool” mailing list.

  • Eligibility: native speakers of any language other than Japanese
  • Location of the experiments: mainly, The University of Tokyo, Komaba Campus
  • How long an experiment takes: From 30 minutes to 2 hours (varies depending on the project)
  • Payment: 1,000 yen/hour (for brain activity experiments, 1,500 ~ 2,000 yen/hour)
  • How to register: Send the following information in the body of an email titled “subject pool registration” to the following email address

E-mail address: flsubjectpool(at) (please replace ((at)) with @)

(1) Name

(2) Gender (optional)

(3) Age as of April 1st, 2017

(4) Affiliation as of April 1st, 2017 (科類, 専攻)

(5) Which grade are you at, as of April 1st, 2017? (ex, third year undergraduate)

(6) Your first language (the language(s) used by your main caretaker(s))

(7) How you have acquired your first language (ex. my mother/ my both parents raised me in that language)

(8) Your second language

(9) How you have acquired your second language

(10)In a scale of 1 to 10, please evaluate your second language abilities

(11) Third language (if applicable)

(12) How you have acquired your third language (if applicable)

(13) In a scale of 1 to 10, please evaluate your third language abilities

(14) If you speak a fourth language (or more), repeat the same information above

(15) Linguistic background of your family members (example: my mother speaks in Japanese and my father speaks in English)

(16) How long have you lived in Japan as of April 1st, 2017?

(17) Japanese language learning history as of April 1st, 2017

(18) Email address (Only if you want to register an address different from the one you are sending the e-mail from. Make sure your email account does not block emails sent from PC accounts).

-We will send a confirmation e-mail.

-Even after your registration is complete, you do not have the obligation to take part into any experiment. We will send you email whenever we need participants, and you may decide if you wish to participate or not.

-You can unsubscribe from our mailing list at any time. Just send an e-mail to the address above with the subject “unsubscribe”.

-Personal information collected though the registration process will be solely used for the recruitment of participants. The information obtained in the experiments will be solely used for research purposes and will be kept confidential.


Thank you very much for your cooperation