Skinning Guide

Official PS2ESDL skinning guide

Last updated: 1:48 PM 6/28/2011

Quick jump

  1. Creating a basic skin
  2. Creating a skin options file (Advanced options)

Building a basic skin

A skin is made up of:

  1. UI.png - skin image
  2. UI.dat - skin parameter file

These files should be placed in the same folder as PS2ESDL.

Note: Not all skins will have a skin parameter file.

1. Create your skin. It must have these properties:

  • Resolution: 640x480
  • Must have an alpha channel. (E.g. A8 R8 G8 B8)

Creating a skin options file (Advanced options)

With the SkinParaBuild utility, you can create a configuration file to shape PS2ESDL's UI for your skin.

SkinParaBuild is a Command Line Interface utility.

Syntax: SkinParaBuild <Optional Parameters> -o<Output file name>

The output file name has to be UI.dat

View the included MS-DOS batch file for a working example.


║Example                                       │Description                             ║
║SkinParaBuild -UIDispX=30 -UIDispY=40 -oUI.dat│Sets the UI display offset to X=30, Y=40║
║SkinParaBuild -HideVerNumInGameList=1         │Enables the Version Number display in   ║
║-VersionDispX=600 -VersionDispY=450 │the UI, displaying it at X=600 Y=450.   ║

All optional parameters should be specified in this format: -<parameter>=<value>

Optional parameters

║Parameter           │Description                                            ║
║UIDispX             │UI X coordinate                                        ║
║UIDispY             │UI Y coordinate                                        ║
║ScrollBarX          │Scroll bar display X coordinate                        ║
║ScrollBarY          │Scroll bar display Y coordinate                        ║
║GameListTypeDispX   │Game list type display X coordinate                    ║
║GameListTypeDispY   │Game list type display Y coordinate                    ║
║GameListTypeDispMag │Game list type display magnification                   ║
║GameListHighlightLen│Game list highlight length                             ║
║VersionDispX        │Version number display X coordinate                    ║
║VersionDispY        │Version number display Y coordinate                    ║
║VersionDispMag      │Version number display magnification                   ║
║ScrollBarLen        │Scroll bar length                                      ║
║GameEntryLength     │Game entry length                                      ║
║HideVerNumInGameList│Hide version number in game list (1=hide it, 0=show it)║
║nGamesToList        │Number of games to list                                ║


SkinParaBuild v1.00:

SkinParaBuild v1.00 (Source code):