
Spring 2019

The data below is from the middle school students who wrote monthly reflections in their journals, charted their feedback weekly, and created video reflections at the end of session 15.

The pre-survey indicated 11% of students felt knowledgeable about the design process.  The post-survey/reflection indicated 100% of participants felt knowledgeable about the design process.  

In the pre-survey 33% of students indicated that they felt confident to address pains/problems in their community.  That increased to 100% in the post-survey/reflection.  

100% of students also participated and co-led a night at the MIT Museum which highlighted their design process and ways they would encourage educators to teach mathematics.

1. Olamide.MOV
3. Juelz (community).mov
2. Elijah.MOV
7. Rafa.MOV

Spring 2020

Survey and Interview results:

Academic Mindset:

Self-Directed Learning:

Collaboration + Critical Thinking/Problem Solving: 

Communication + Content Mastery:

Spring 2021 

Survey and Interview results:

Copy of YPP Math Playbook Reflection Spring 2021 (Website)

Click below to listen to more reflections.

Spring 2022

Participants express enjoyment, feeling safe, and belonging when participating in activities at YPP.


Scholars feel that they can solve real world problems at YPP and can make a difference in their community with what they learn and do at YPP.


Scholars gained deeper STEM exposure and individual playbook scholars expressed that when reflecting on their Math Playbook experiences.


Spring 202

Belonging + Mattering @ YPP

I belong here!

I matter!

What I do matters!

Math matters! I can contribute to my community!

How do you feel at YPP and why?

I feel like I belong here and that others care.

I feel like I belong because my friends are here

I feel accepted and I feel welcomed because people listen to me and my ideas for me and i don’t have to change my personality for them

I feel comfortable because I am really close with every person in YPP.

I feel happy because I’m friends with people here.

Good because I get to use my learning and help little kids understand it.

How does YPP encourage you to be creative?

It encourages me by thinking about things I never thought of.

We made games and learned ways to be creative.

I worked with many people who share my thoughts.

They ask me for my ideas that come straight from my head not what I think i want to say to sound smart.

By teaching me, making my own games, help (ing) me design.

Do you see yourself as a mathematician or designer? Why or why not?

I see myself as a designer because I like to design certain things and being creative.

I see myself as a designer because I can be creative.

As a designer because it’s fun to make games.

Yes I do because at YPP I feel creative to do my own thing.

Our Reflections + Recommendations

Fall 2023

I am grateful for this group because…


"I love designing and I love the way we look at math. It feels good to have control with how we go about learning and doing math!" 

"Everyone thinks in different ways. The way I look at math and numbers isn’t exactly the same as anyone else. Although there may be one right answer to some question, the journey to get to that answer can look different for everyone."

"I think learning math should be a collaborative effort, and that I learn math better when it’s as a group supporting one another."

"I can get help from friends with math at YPP, along with the fact that we are always making and updating the math games we make, and showing them at events or to elementary school students." 

"It makes me feel good, being able to support kids with their struggles in math when I didn't have that.  It makes me feel like I'm doing something good for my community knowing that I'm making an impact."

"Everything we do at YPP is what I imagine a mathematician to strive for creation, brainstorming, and collaboration."

"Everyone comforts you to make you not afraid and my ideas turn into actions that I am proud of."

"Being confident in your work relating to math makes you feel empowered."

"I always thought being a mathematician meant just being able to do really, really , really hard math really well, but it's not that. In my eyes being a mathematician can range from that or just helping other with math, trying to make math better, and that's what I feel like I do at YPP. I feel like I am making a change by improving math for kids so that when they get older they don't hate it as much.

"Math is like a puzzle. Puzzles are like life situations. Sometimes you have to build, build, and build till it’s full." 

"The community, friends, sad moments, happy moments, memories, and so much more contribute to my reason on why I feel like I belong."