Awareness + Learning

Awareness + Learning

What did we learn about students' experiences with remote learning?

YPP Scholars Pre-Survey + CPS District Data

National Data 

Untitled document

Kids Are Behind in Math Because of COVID-19. Here’s What Research Says Could Help.  By Stephen Sawchuk & Sarah D. Sparks — Education Week December 02, 2020

Student Thoughts on National Data

J: I noticed that more students are struggling even more with math anxiety. Math anxiety is being scared of what other people are going to say if you answer a question wrong in math.

E: What stood out to me was that parent (family) support is really key during this time. I remember waking up my mom up at 10 am trying to do a math problem and I knew she didn't know the answer but I just needed mental support to do the work. Another thing that stood out to me is the meaning of math. I felt like I was just doing the work to get the grade, but there was not a lot of meaning to the math I did. Also, because students are learning a little behind where they should be, and the world is moving forward, there's an urgency and rush for students and teachers to get through the most important content.

R: The percentage of math learning loss among students, up to half to a full year of math loss compared to a regular school year. It was surprising, but also it wasn't that surprising because it's harder for people to do the work when you're alone and you have to do the work yourself--to comprehend the math. 

Common Themes and Patterns

Desire for Change in Routine

How might we make it novel?

Need for Interaction

How might we make it social?

Feeling Stressed and Overwhlemed

How might we center relationships?  

Lack of Communication

How might we make it clear?

Need for Action + Equity

How might we take action and focus on equity?