Interpret + Brainstorm


2020-2021 Phase 3 YPP Interpret Slide Deck




How might we make it novel?

Initial Brainstorm:

Change up the schedule, project-based learning, spontaneous (something to look forward to), curiosity challenges (let students lead with what they want to learn about), adding all types of different ideas together and make it one, incorporate current ideas (younger voices) + new thinking

How might we make it social?

Initial Brainstorm:

Have More Events (Different types? What kind?), Create Social Games for School (Not just content-focus but can be purely social),  Competitions, Breakout Rooms/Groups (Determine specific practices in breakout rooms to make it more interactive), group work/study pairs

How might we center relationships?

Initial Brainstorm:

Music, Jamboards, Social-Distanced Meet-Ups with Masks (In-Person),  Virtual Zoom Events, Connecting Lessons to Student Interests (Getting to Know Students Deeply), Give Students a Chance to Say How They Feel (Not Always the Teacher Talking), Send Surveys (Teachers, Students, Families), Create Systems for Students to Ask for Help When They Need It, Let Students Lead Lessons, Play Games like Kahoot, one-on-one conversations, small group connections

How might we better communicate?

Initial Brainstorm:

Weekly check-ins/check-ups with students/families/teachers to see how they're doing, directly reaching out to students (when needed) not parents all the time, gmail, social media, communication with the proper people (e.g. mental health specialist rather than just a teacher), connecting resources to students directly and more clearly, create mini-lessons and videos and supporting parents/families to help kids with their schoolwork. 

How might we take action and focus on equity?

Initial Brainstorm:

Give students more voice and power through student leadership roles, more frequent meetings with administrators AND students that can lead to educational policy changes (don't leave student voice out), equity audits (what's working and what's not), roles that don’t require someone else’s permission nor “agreement” to make change, shared framework around equity, benchmarks to keep us on track, support not judgement and understanding that systems are problematic. listening