
Liceo Scientifico Statale "G. Galilei"


Kauno rajono Raudondvario gimnazija


Agrupamento de Escolas de Frazão


Colegiul Auto Traian Vuia


I.E.S. La Rosaleda.


Cumhuriyet Anadolu Liseil


The Liceo Scientifico Statale “Galileo Galilei” is a public secondary school located in Bitonto, one of the most densely-populated medium town in Apulia. This area is traditionally rural with small and medium industries. Almost 800 students ranging from age 14 to 19 attend 70 teachers’ lessons of this prestigious local school, based not only on scientific subjects such as Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology, but also on classical ones such as Italian and Latin Literature, English, History, Philosophy, History of Art and Theology too. For about fifteen years its headmaster and teachers have been constantly promoting many projects & training courses on the basis of the European Development Plan , specifically designed for students but for teachers too, aiming at developing and enhancing the communicative competence in English and at fighting school abandonment and drop-out phenomenon. Some students won some national and international competitions in the field of multimedia tools, pointing out the school’s further effort in the development of digital competences; thanks to these successful participations 7 years ago the Liceo asked the Ministry of Education the new course of Technological Sciences where learners could study ICT subject with more expertise thanks to 2 wide ICT labs. In addition, 3 years ago our school started two further new courses of study, the Audiovisual and Multimedial Art & the Cambridge Lyceum. Moreover, for fifteen years this “Liceo” has been offering its pupils the chance to share different European cultures and ways of life in order to acquire a Europaanschauung thanks to the Comenius and Erasmusplus projects. The strong motivation to carry out this project springs from the cultural purpose of the school system to preserve the traditional songs and dances, which belong to intangible heritage of any people of EU, & above all to invest in them in order to strengthen the identity of any local community within the transnational one which is Europe. As for the activities and experience of our school in the areas relevant for this project we have acquired an important expertise thanks to our participation in several regional and local projects and events dealing with this topic in collaboration with the local Folk Cultural Association “Re Pambanélle”. Moreover, our Liceo has often worked above all with “Centro Ricerche di Storia e Arte Bitontina” whose goal is the safeguarding of all belongs to the local ancient folk culture which has passed on from generations to generations. In this original project we would like to offer our expertise gained through this type of cultural events by creating a particular work group composed of the Art teacher (Ms. Ibba), a colleague expert in English, music & folk traditions (Mr. Ungaro), ICT assistant & teacher (Mr. Napoli & Mr. De Marzo) who will assist learners during some workshop activities.


Kaunas r.Raudondvaris gymnasium is a secondary school near the second largest Lithuanian city Kaunas in Raudondvaris. It became gymnasium in 1998. It is situated in a very beautiful historical small town Raudondvaris, which is famous for its historical castle. In our school there are less than 500 students from 10-19 years old and over 40 experienced teachers. Our classes are modern and adapted for all children. We have modern library, reading room, tennis and basketball courts outside. In our school there are many subjects taught such as art, geography, IT, religion, ethic, mathematics, biology, chemistry, music, PE, Lithuanian language. Our children study Russian, German and English languages. Students can attend many different after school activities; basketball, dodgeball, football, shooting, drama, maths, crafts, volleyball, IT, debates and other. Every child can find something for himself or herslef. We have participated in Comenius project and twice in Nordplus. Our school staff and students are active and interested in taking part in international project as it is a wonderful possibility to enrich our knowledge about the world, education and people around us. Our school philosophy is that we study not for school, but for life. Participation in this project will teach participants how to deal with cultural probelms, that appear of not knowing other cultures well, it would reveal students‘ personalities, give them self confidennce, as the biggest part of our students are from distant villages and lack confidence. During the project we will have a team of 5 main teachers who will be involved in all project activities and one teacher who will be responsible for deadlines and communicating with project coordinator. There will also be a group of school children who will be involved in all project activities, questionnaires , surveys and other activities. Some of them will be travelling to the project partners‘ meetings.If there is any emergency our headmistress will make a decision hoe to solve the problem.


The "Agrupamento de Escolas de Frazão, Paços de Ferreira", created in 2002, is composed of 4 schools, 3 schools with pre-primary and primary education (EB no1 de Frazão, EB de Seroa and EB de Arreigada), and the "Escola Básica de Frazão" (main school) with 2nd and 3rd cycle (5th to 9th grade). It has 113 teachers, 42 staff and 1105 students. Of these, 643 receive economic support, about 60% of the total. The economic and social context and the poor academic and social results of the students led the group to integrate in 2012 the project : Educational Territories of Priority Intervention (TEIP). Its implementation resulted in significant improvement in school outcomes and a reduction in the rate of retention, failure, drop-out, and absenteeism. Despite the improvements, there is still a great way to go with a view to continuous and sustained improvement. We have challenges in terms of pedagogy and didactics, because we want to create innovative and motivating learning environments. We want to use ICT as an instrument of flexibility and curriculum management. We want to work for an inclusive school with leadership and management practices that respond to the challenges of School and Education in the 21st Century. In 2016, AE Frazão represented Portugal in the study of the "European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education", related to inclusive education in Pre-school. The contact with other realities led us to develop partnerships and projects with Portuguese and foreign universities (University of Eastern Finland and Universidade Católica Portuguesa, University of Barcelona). On 14/15 we stimulated the "SELF" program. These partnerships and projects have provided us with knowledge and experience, leading us to want to know more and do better. To improve language skills we have created English clubs for students and teachers. The Headmaster has tried to promote an educational policy of openness and internationalization as a way to improve school results, the competence of professionals and the school environment. He formed a team for this function, composed of the Headmaster and the Coordinators of the Psychology and Guidance Service, Department of Languages and Projects. This team works on the European Development Plan, coordinating applications, implementing and operating projects, researching national and European competitions. This is a strong and motivated team with key knowledge and skills to being able to carry out this task. The people involved have key positions in the organization and therefore the ability to take initiatives and make decisions. It is a team open to change, with a predisposition for pedagogical and didactic innovation and possessing knowledge in the ICT area. It is a team committed to working for the improvement of the organization, for the improvement of the students' results and for the professional development of the teachers.


Colegiul Auto Traian Vuia is a vocational secondary school in Târgu Jiu, Romania. Our students ages vary from 3 to 50 years old, because we have kindergarten, primary school, secondary school, high school, but also evening school for adults. We are the only high school that implements the Second chance programme (trying this way to improve the inclusion of Rroma adults into society).It has 90 teachers and over 1000 students who study technical disciplines like Environment Protection, Mechanics, Electro-mechanics, Textile Industry, Tourism and Public Alimentation. Over time it has been a constant source of skilled labor for all transport companies from the public and from the private sector, students trained here managing a rapid integration in the labor market. School workshops have the facilities required for the simulation of a production process, which leads to performance in practical training. With very qualified teachers and a proper management of time teaching we are trying to pursue performance and development of skills related to their future jobs. But in the past 5 years things have changed and more and more of our graduating students must migrate to other countries in order to find jobs. Due to the constant change of the job market requirements our teachers need to boost up their teaching skills and learn how to make sure our students will acquire the 21st Century Key Competencies during their studies.That is why we decided to join this project. Over time our school has been involved in many type of projects, competitions and activities, aiming at offering the best education, formal and non-formal for our students. We have run so far two Comenius projects and two Erasmus + projects.We have had some 3 POSDRU projects that have had a strong impact on our students helping them acquire better skills for their future careers. Smaller scale projects such as those on Etwinning were implemented in the last few years and they have participated with success in many European and national competitions. Key staff involved: Udrescu Iohana:has been involved in all the previous projects and has offered a big support for the best implementation and dissemination of different activities.She has coordinated an Erasmus+ project. She has experience in working in mass-media also, so she will insure a good dissemination of the project through different channels. Udrescu Liviu:was the deputy headteacher of CATV for almost four years. He has coordinated 3 projects implemented in our school, one of them called “Career in Art” and he also has lots of experience as a trainer.He will take over coordination in case of absence of the main coordinator. All other teachers who will be involved in this project are experienced teachers with good ICT and Language skills. They are permanent teachers, so the risk of leaving the school does not exist. Our involvement in this project will insure a good implementation and a very good cooperation with the management team.


The Institute of Secondary Education "La Rosaleda" began its activity in 1947 as Trade Union School of Vocational Studies. It is a free public High School located in the south of Spain by the Mediterranean Sea in Málaga city. The building has 70,000 square meters and has plants with very large corridors and naves, which gives it a very peculiar distribution and organization. It is one of the historical educational in Malaga. It has about 2300 students with an age range from 16 to 20+. The school is staffed by 160 teachers. The students are from Spain, the most, but there are many students from other countries, mainly EU, Latin America and Morocco. Our students are over sixteen years old. Our students come from all the neighborhoods of Málaga and they are middle class mainly.

We work, from the IES La Rosaleda, to present to the entire educational community a school open to the formation and education of our young people, a path towards university education or insertion in the world of work. We also have Bilingual teachings, both in Bachiller and Vocational Training. Some studies takes part in the bilingual project in English where some groups and subjects are developed in English in order to improve the language skills. We all have a long experience in teaching up to thirty years, and with this project we aim to encourage the students to develop their own start up extending their experience to the european scene and improving their languages skills. The teachers have participated in different training courses to update their competences and are ready to increase their relations with teachers abroad in order to establish a foundation of common work that prepares its students both to general and technological level and is updated in the use of new technologies and willing to open up to new teaching methods and experiences. we have had so far show us the importance of interchanges with other countries and cultures, the importance of seeing other points of view which can improve their personal and professional skill and careers. Every year we develop some activities and performances in the school so as to make the students think about different behaviours as discrimination against women, ethnic minority, and develop respect and tolerance. key people in charge of running the project Adela García Valenciano, Hospitality, Tourism and Food Industry. Maria Sierra Ruz Ruiz, Hospitality, Tourism and Enterprise Management. Huberto García Peña. Biology. Juan José López Urbaneja, French and IT teacher. Salvador Arcas Sánchez. Biology Paloma López Godoy. Hospitality, Tourism All team members have experience in project implementation. If necessary, they can be replaced by other experienced teachers.


Cumhuriyet Anadolu Lisesi is an Anatolian general secondary school with 750 (9th-12th grade,15-18 years old) students and 45 teachers. It was founded in 2003. The school is respected in its quality in terms of education and well-known in the neighbourhood for maintaining strong relations with education authorities, schools, private courses, sports clubs, and other private institutions due to its central location in Düzce. Our school’s main education program includes science, mathematics ,history,geography,philosophy , religion, art, music, physical education and foreign languages.

English is taught as a second language and German is taught as third language. All our classes are modern and technologically well equipped with smart boards and Internet connection. The students come from different disadvantageous regional parts of Turkey and a small minority of the students from other nationalities as the city receiving immigrants from inland and abroad for employment or some other preferences. Most of the students are from the middle class background but there are some economically disadvantaged students as well. The students of new generation are not well equipped enough to deal with problems such as diversity and discrimination, lack of understanding and cooperation among the members of the societies. The educational environment doesn’t provide enough knowledge about the issue. The curriculum includes some forms of intangible cultural heritage but they are taught in a national perspective rather than interculturally . This causes cultural discrimination. On the contrary, this project promotes a cross-curricular, integrated and global intangible cultural heritage focusing on similarities among the origins of oral traditions, performing arts, social practices, rituals, festive events, knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe or the knowledge and skills to produce traditional crafts. Additionally educational environment isn’t satisfied enough for active involvement of the students within the context of intangible cultural heritage. The curricular contains abstract knowledge. Throughout this project, the students and teachers of the participating countries will be able to have more concrete opportunities to practice of intangible cultural heritage via well-organized implementations required active involvement. Our school will set up a project team consisting at least five teachers one of whom will e responsible for the project throughout the entire period and will be the coordinator and responsible for his/her school and the other knows English well for a good communication . A fixed group of 25 students will be chosen to work actively on the project. During the project period the headmaster is responsible for assigning another teacher, in case of illness or retirement or transfer of a teacher or project manager.