the young translators club

Thank you for visiting the NEW ABC's Young Translators Club website. The New ABC (Networking the Educational World: Across Boundaries for Community building) is a European Commission-funded project, which involves 9 pilot actions focused on improving the lives of children and young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds.

Our website has been co-produced with a group of young people who all belonged to an after-school club at Biddenham International School and Sports College, called The Young Translators Club. The club was formed as part of the Empowering Young Translators (EYT) pilot action

EYT is an activity-based intervention exploring young people's translating experiences as a caring activity. It is delivered by researchers  at The Open University and Oxford Brookes University

This website aims to showcase the young people's important work, their stories and their valuable suggestions to better support other young translators. Each section is written in the young people's voice and creative flair

Who are the young translators

We are a group of students who speak two or more languages and regularly translate for family members or friends. Together with university researchers we've been meeting after school to explore what it means to be a young translator. Together we also co-designed a website. Here you can find out more about what we've been up to! 

 What is the Club about? 

Our club is mainly about discussing  our translating  stories, fun translating activities and it is overall a place where you can feel safe with kind teachers and kind people and have a great time! 

Learning about translating as a caring practice and gaining new skills

Sharing stories and working together

Being part of a community of young translators

Would you like to find out more?  Have a look at our learning resources: 

activity handbook

Our pilot activity handbook offers examples and ideas for setting up your own young translator club or pilot action activity. Young translating can be both a challenging and rewarding activity and so these guidance materials are designed to co-create a safe space for considering the emotional engagement of translating for others as a caring activity. The handbook aims to support young translators' well-being and raise awareness of the practice across schools, community groups, and youth groups. - COMING SOON!

 Advice leaflet 

Together with the young people we've co-produced an advice leaflet that aims to offer insights into the experiences of children and young people who speak more than one language(s), and who regularly translate and interpret for peers, family, and their local communities. Access below the reading and print versions.

Stay in touch and follow our exciting NEW ABC updates! 
