

4-H in America

Vermont Senator Justin S. Morrill introduced legislation that established the land grant universities in 1862. They soon learned that they needed to involve youth in the introduction of improved agricultural practices. 4-H Clubs formed in 1902.

4-H in Vermont

4-H in Vermont is administered by the University of Vermont. In fact, the university sometimes refers to 4-H as students' first class at UVM! They hold many 4-H events and competitions throughout the year, including  Regional Days and the Vermont State Fair. 

Young Explorers

A fledgling 4-H club was founded for Bennington-area youth in 2017. The Young Explorers was named and chartered on September 30, 2019. The club took a hiatus during the pandemic but  resumed meeting in 2022. 

Who we are

Young Explorers is open to people ages 6-12. There is no cost. Families take turns hosting and leading 4-H activities that align with their interests. Parents of members often stay for events and lend a hand. Club members are also welcome to complete 4-H projects independently and to share with the group during presentations.

Ashley Jowett

Claira-Jane Jowett
Age 10

Timothy Jowett
Age 8

Bentley Martin

Finley Miller, with mom Allison

Ayla Roy

Kendrick Roy

Sophia Zampini

Join us!

The Young Explorers welcomes new members and volunteers. If your child is 6-12, use the links below to learn more and join 4-H! If you have a skill or project to share, please let us know. We would love to make you a part of our fun learning activities. 
