Young European Explorers

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. 


Young European Explorers

Sportno Uchilishte Bulgaria

First meeting in Bulgaria

After postponing it because of Covid-19, the mobility to Bulgaria finally took place in Sandanski from the 10th  to 16th of April 2022.  There were 4 teachers and 6 students  from the different partner schools: TOROSLAR ATATURK MESLEKI VE TEKNIK ANADOLU LISESI from Turkey and SKOLA ZA MEDICINSKE SESTRE VINOGRADSKA from Croatia.Unfortunately the teachers and students from Szkola Podstawowa nr 10 im. Adama Mickiewicza from Poland couldn’t be there but they joined us on dedicated online sessions and through Twinspace. 

Second meeting in Turkey

It took place in Mersin, Turkey from 5th to 11th of June , 2022 . The participants from Bulgaria, Croatia and Poland had the opportunity to share Turkish culture, traditions and cuisine ......

We paint together and its wonderful

 When you are a painter, it’s obvious that you really love painting. When Young European Explorers mix together their paintings, something powerful is going to come out from us. Actually painting is something very interesting and you feel great when you  start working on it and the result is that magnificent friendship mosaic........

Cappadocia is a beautiful region in central Turkey famous for its fairytale scenery, cave dwellings, remarkable rock formations and, of course, the hundreds of hot air balloons that soar in the sky during sunrise each morning. There is also so much awesome hiking in Cappadocia, that it will take you at least a week to explore all of the diverse hiking trails in the region. We had very nice tour and we did enjoy a lot . Food was amazing. Thanks for unforgettable tour. 

Third meeting in Poland

The mobility to Poland took place in Pulawy from the 2nd  to 8th of October 2022.  There were 4 teachers and 6 students  from the different partner schools: SKOLA ZA MEDICINSKE SESTRE VINOGRADSKA from Croatia and SPORTNO UCHILISHTE, Sandanski, Bulgaria.

Bulgaria and Croatia  were warmly welcomed by Primary School Nr.10 in Pulawy under the programme of Erasmus+ project titled Young European Explorers

Final meeting in Croatia

The last mobility to Croatia in Škola Za Medicinske Sestre Vinogradska . Welcoming activities, School tour and learning about Zagreb and Croatia with our Project partners From Bulgaria and Poland.

A project logo was created through an online pool implemented between project participants.

The most interesting and creative logo was chosen for a project logo and it will be used in any documents of the project and the disseminnation materials.

Our logo

YnEuExs on social media
