2D roguelike

Planning, research and Movement

During Week one of EEP hours, I mainly planned and researched possible ideas to continuously develop and program a game. Since my specialty is programming/coding, my main goal is to create complex, unique and fun mechanics.

I spent some time researching games such as the Binding of Isaac, Risk of Rain 2 and Hades because I am aiming to create a roguelike game. Some main mechanics that interest me is the obtainable items in these games which when obtained, makes the character gain abilities that allow them to kill enemies easier. The difficulty should rise as the player advances. 

The game format will be a 2D top down game.

The idea of angels and demons heavily interest me from the Binding of Isaac. In the game, the player can choose to pick up "Devil" items or "Angel" items which have their own risks to obtaining. Devil items are obtained from "Devil deals" in which the player has to sacrifice their maximum health to obtain a powerful item. Angel items have no risks of actually picking up but are more difficult to get to.

The pictures above show both he angel and devil rooms. This has inspired me to potentially create a mechanic where the player can obtain items similar to devil items and angel items, but it will affect a meter that tells the player how far demon or angel they are. This is only an idea so far but I would like to try to create something like that.

I aim to create a unique mechanic too that introduces the player to a bar that hovers between angel and devil. The more angel/devil items a player picks up, the more the bar tips towards the angel and devil depending on if more angel or devil items has been obtained. These will have their own benefits and downfalls such as modified attack, defence and health.

After coming up with the idea, I got to work in unity. I firstly created basic movement with WASD as the controls with this simple code:

Here is the movement in action: