Level Design

Complete summary of the task:

To start off, we were given a brief which stated that between the dated of 18th September to the 24th November, our skills of 3D modelling, UV texturing, animation, programming and concept art will be tested. The task we received was to create a 3D fantasy world in a 2-person group project.

During this time on our project, we were expected to learn how to incorporate 3D elements into an 3D environment such as 3D models. We also had much research to do such as lighting, target audience and fantasy themes. We had to put all of this together to successfully create a fantasy world that a player can walk around and explore.

These are each of the tasks that were set:

Task 1: Pre-production planning

Task 2: Initial ideas and research

Task 3. Collaborative development

Task 4: Production

Task 5: Final renders and walkthroughs

Task 6: Project evaluation 

Unfortunately the PowerPoint file is too large to preview on google sites, so to view it, it must be downloaded. I tried to break it down into separate PowerPoints but most were still too large.

Unit 10 - Workbook .pptx
Castle Walkthrough.mp4
Sword Area.mp4