Target Audience - Average Play Time

Week Two work:

The target research for this project is broken down into 5 different parts among our team. My role for the target audience research is average play time. This means I am looking into how long an average round will last in our game by looking into how long other games last in their matches/rounds.

The other members of the team have other roles for target audience. I have linked their websites which looks into their roles in depth:

Kyle Williams - Console breakdown

Alex Needham - Age rating 

Joseph Bowman - Game cost

Zak Annetts - Gender breakdown

To find out how long we want our average play time to be, I will look at different games' play time and compare them so I understand how long our game can last.

Week Three Work:

Apex Legends

Apex Legends is a first person battle royale game that features intense movement and unique combat mechanics. Each match consists of 60 players in teams of 3 and when a player is eliminated, they can either spectate the rest of the game or leave the game to go back to the menu to try again. To find out how long an average game lasts is rather difficult due to the sources being slightly inaccurate as multiple sources give different answers. According to a Reddit page, an average game lasts between 10-20 minutes. This seems about the right amount of time for a battle royale but may be a little bit long for our game as our game is a multiplayer shooter rather than a battle royale.

Call of Duty Modern Warfare

Call of Duty has a variety of multiplayer modes such as team deathmatch, free for all, domination, king of the hill, search and destroy as well as capture the flag. Team deathmatch is by far the most popular game mode in Call of Duty and our game matches the team deathmatch game mode. According to the Call of Duty Wiki, each game of this is played on one of many available maps and the players on both teams are required to reach 75 points. Each kill is worth 1 point. This point system varies in different call of duty games but there is usually a 10 minute timer in each game. This means the longest a game can last is 10 minutes. It is possible to join a game late and the game for you can only last around a minute rather than the full 10 minutes so games can last between 1-10 minutes. This time seems more plausible for our game as we have the same game mode. The research on the Call of Duty Wiki has a chance to be inaccurate as is it user written.  

Destiny 2

Destiny 2 has a multiplayer game mode called the crucible which lets players fight each other in differnet game modes. A mode similar to Call of Duty's team deathmatch is Clash. Clash features 2 teams of up to 6 players. Each game has a 10 minute timer which again means it is a maximum of 10 minutes. Each game also starts form the beginning so you cannot join a game late. Each games length will depend on if one team secures enough kills before the timer runs out or the timer runs out and the team with the most kills wins. I think that this is the best template to go with as the game mode fits our game and the game time seems reasonable which on average would be around 7-10 minutes depending on if a team gets enough kills.


 After looking at these three games, it seems clear to me that sticking with a specific timer with a target score to reach would work the best with our game. Our game would need to last a little longer than Call of Duty's 10 minute timer due to players needing to explore the map to search for weapons. I think the game would benefit by lasting around the time that Apex legends lasts, this allows the players to have time necessary to collect some weapons and enough time leftover to satisfy players while not lasting too long. I think a 20 minute timer would work best