Locations- Shikoku Region

2nd Generation

Uwajima Castle, Uwajima, Ehime

Status: Inactive
Installed: 1992?
Deactivated: 2013
Railway Whistle at 6AM,
Tonbe at 12PM,
Furusato at 6PM,
Uwajima Sansa at 9PM

Replaced a 1st Generation music siren due to aging. Music siren was deactivated in 2013 due to off-timing activation.

Yawatahama Atagoyama Park, Ehime

Status: Active
Installed: 1993
Yawatahama Fishing Port Municipal Song at 6AM,
Hill of Tangerine Blossoms at 12PM,
Yuyake Koyake at 6PM

Been through repairs many times, most prominently between 2017-2018, when the music siren was activated once again on April 1, 2018. Very well-known.

1st Generation

Matsuyama City Hall

Status: Removed
Installed: Unknown
Removed: Unknown

New find. Very likely due to it being a major city.

Imabari City Hall

Status: Removed
Installed: 1958
Removed: 1995?
Edelweiss at 5PM
Unknown at 9PM

Location was mentioned in a twitter post.

Marushin Tokushima Department Store

Status: Removed
Installed: 1958
Deactivated: 1983
Spring Breeze at 10AM and 6PM

Several sources mentioned a music siren atop the former Marushin Department Store. The store was removed and replaced with an Awa Bank building.