Night of the Arts

Showcasing many talents!!

2023  Details

WHO:  CAPE Students of all ages are encouraged to participate!!!

WHEN:  Monday, June 5th (6pm to 9pm)  

WHERE:  Yakima Valley Church

RSVP: Please let us know if you plan to participate by filling out the RSVP Form ASAP!

INVITE:  Friends and family are invited and encouraged to attend this very special evening!!

Night of the Arts is one of the most entertaining and fun events of the year.  For those unfamiliar with this program, this is CAPE's version of a talent show, complete with poetry, drama and bible recitations, musicians, skit actors, singers, dancers and martial artists.  If your child has a talent to share, we want to showcase it.   In addition to performing arts, we include visual art such as drawings, painting, pottery, jewelry, mixed media pieces, dioramas, LEGO creations and fiber arts, such as quilting.  We welcome and encourage every student to participate, whether they are preschool age or soon to graduate high school.  The fact that we have artists of all ages/abilities is what makes this event so special and fun!


Please let us know that you plan to participate by filling out the RSVP Form as soon as possible.  

Each participant is invited to perform in up to TWO (2) performances. This can be any combination of Individual and/or Group performances (i.e. One individual and one group or two individual performances).  For visual art submissions, each artist may submit up to THREE (3) pieces of art.   

Registration link for individual performances: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/15HJt96WJrZdnT7Rn8kYAxt_G7QFLFRjhR4j3q48yy8o/edit

Registration link for group performances: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1f4coSoVpWWhxn-w6P2vbutzzZ8L4UQth8BQpcVDzn0U/edit

Registration link for visual art: 


See submission guidelines below.

Registration Deadline:   Friday, June 2nd

Submission Guidelines

First and foremost, all performances and artwork must be God honoring. 


Please encourage your performers to chose a song/piece/talent that they are proud of and excite to present.  If this piece is new, practice and rehearsal may be needed before the event. Enough your preformers to dress up for the event. This really adds something to the event and makes it that much more special for them.

Students may perform up to two performances, any combination of individual and group. 

Visual Art

Please bring your student's artwork to the Yakima Valley Community Church on the date of the mandatory rehearsal (Sunday, June 4th) Please include the artist's name, age or grade, title of the piece, and medium used for the piece.

Example: Mary Jones, age 12, Stars in the Sky, Watercolor