Celebration Day 2021


Part 1 School tour with interviews & Music programme- FINAL COPY as of May 27, 2021 (2hrs1:10)

Part 2 - Drama Production - Final Copy as of May 27, 2021 (32:40)

Storyboard for Celebration Day programme


Blue Underline text = links to photos and videos Purple Script = text that will appear on photos, videos (Name of person speaking or shown in photos etc) Time (0:13) = length of video, recording

Music Created by Adam Brown - can be used anywhere in programme 1. Bedroom Beats (80's rocking beat) 1:37 2. Windows Lo-Fi (easy listening electro pop) 1:31 3. Duck Duck Goose 1:37 (funky)


Scene 1 Walking up to school Script: W Ross Macdonald School for the Blind, May 2021 >>Music: Celebrate good Times (Kool and the Gang)

Scene 2 Opening "Welcome to Celebration Day 2021" Script: Carolyn Cresswell

Scene 3 - Ms Gardner Video Greeting 0:08 (Kristi Gardner) Script: Kristi Gardner

Scene 4 - Mrs Hyde Video Greeting 0:16 Script: Emilie Hyde

Scene 5 Mr Maggiacomo Opening Address Video 1: 34 Script: Dan Maggiacomo, Principal

Scene 6 Mrs Osasuyi Video Greeting 1:08 Script: Lynne Osasuyi, Vice-Principal

Scene 7 Art Display A. Photo1 (28 Photos transferred to Earl) Script: Art Classes 2020-2021 **Recording to go with the 28 photos B. Video Poppies & Crosses (in Earl's files) C. Black History Month -Photo Recording 1:34 Script: Ben Akuoko

>> Walking Music - Duck, Duck, Goose

Scene 8 Cafeteria/Food Services Slideshow 3:00 (Deb Beckels) Script: Debra Beckels

Scene 9 Orientation & Mobility A. Brian Gall Recording 0:40 (Tactile Maps - Brian Gall) Photos(Lakehead map)- Photo 1 / (Downtown Dryden)- Photo 2/ Whitby Photo 3 Script: Brian Gall/B. Jodie Lloyd Recording 1:04 Script: Jodie Lloyd Photo 1 Photo 2 / C. Shelby Merritt Recording Script: Shelby Merritt Photo1 Photo 2 / D. Heather DeBoer Recording 0:45 Script: Heather DeBoer Photo Deboer / E. Kristina Walgraeve Recording 0:51 E. Photo 1 Photo 2 Photo 3 Photo 4 Script: Kristina Walgraeve

Scene 10 Neill Residence Recording 3:51 Script: Brad Wettlaufer / Photo 1 Script: Colton enjoying our new PlayStation Virtual Reality Headset / Photo 2 Script: Brock and Tyler enjoying building with the blocks/ Photo3 Script: Liam checking out a life size singing and dancing Santa / Photo 4 Script: Mr. Swerdfiger helping Lily learn to ride a scooter / Photo 5 Script: Sean-Ray and Logan playing a game at our Easter party / Photo 6 Script: Yehati checking out the pottery display in the front hall. / Photo 7 Script: Elena exploring the Remembrance Day exhibit. / Photo 8 Logan and Mr. Wettlaufer building a snow fort./ Photo 9 LaVayea enjoying the playground equipment in winter

Scene 11 Life Skills Photo 1 Script: 1. a student from the deafblind program learning to clean the floors. /

Photo 2 Script: 2. a secondary student learning to fold clothes. / Photo 3 Script: a student from elementary completing fine motor activities, prerequisite skills to buttons / Photo 4 Script: an elementary student learning how to sew. / Photo 5

Script: a student learning to engage a zipper. Photo6 Script: a secondary student practicing pouring from a hot kettle using a liquid level indicator Recording 1:31 (Michelle Wilson)

Scene 12 Student Health Services Slideshow (2nd version) Audio Slideshow (3rd vers.) No script needed- (names on slideshow already)

Scene 13 Elementary Video (Laurie Moore) 2:23 Script: Laurie Moore, Vice-Principal

Scene 14 Walk from Elementary to High School >> Insert Music (Duck, duck goose) A. Brown

Scene 15 DeafBlind Video 1:08 Script : Dawn Wilshire Video 0:27 Script: Sienna learning about PECS with Samantha and Jan. She learned so quickly that Jan was astonished. Photo 1 Photo 2 Photo 3 Photo 4 Photo 5 Photo 6 Script: Meg doing her school job. Photo 7 Photo 8 Photo 9 Photo 1 0 Photo 11 Photo 12 Photo 13 >> Insert Windows Lo-fi (A. Brown) Music with photos. Photo 14

Video Diana Ireland https://youtu.be/Iio5JAqIi8M 0:16

Scene 16 Maintenance/Phil Calberry's office Video 0:32 Script: Phil Calberry

Maintenance Photo 1 Photo 2 Script: Maintenance Staff / Cleaners Photo 1 Photo 2 Photo 3 Photo 4 Photo 5

Photo 6 (on osmo camera) Script: Cleaning Staff : Thank you for keeping the school deep cleaned and safe while we work from home! Photo 7 Photo 8 Photo 9

Scene 17 Mrs Ricker's Office Video #1 0:34 Script: Emily Ricker, Residence Manager Video #2 0:20 Script: Diane Blackmore Recording 1:00 Script: Glenna Young

Scene 18 Walk to Residence >>> Insert Music: Bedroom Beats (Adam Brown)

Scene 19 Tree in Res (video or photo)

Scene 20 History of Res Recording 3:19 Script: Shawn Rideout

Scene 21 Residence Staff Slideshow Script: Jenean Killgore

Scene 22 Goalball A. Video 0:09 B. Recording-Goalball 1:34 Script: Jen McMillan C. Goalball Video: https://youtube.com/watch?v=ZTQ6x-C2JkY&feature=share 2:42 (can be shortened) D. Recording #2-History 0:28 Script: Jen McMillan Photo1 (Goes with Recording B- Goalball explained) E. Recording Script: Tracie McPhee 0:49 goes with Photos 5a,b,c Ph5a Ph5b Photo5c Photo6

Order should be videoA, HistoryD, Goalball ExplainedB, Youtube video(shortened), Recording E, photo6 to end)

Scene 23 Gym - Phys Ed A. Greeting Script: Jennette Howe 1:08 Staff Photo1 B. Phys Ed Activities Photo 1 (snowman) 2 (snowman) Photo 3 (skiing) Photo 4 (Isaac skiing) Photo 5 Script: Terry Fox Run Photo 6 (Terry Fox) Video 1 (rollerblading) 0min53 Video 2 (skiing) 0min39 Video 3 (skiing) 0min43

Scene 24 Secondary Hallway A. Science Class Photos + Recording (explains photos)

B. Science Class Photos 2 (add Recording to Science Photos2) 0:59

C . Sewing Class Recording Script: Shirley Caron 1:07 Photo 1 Script: Niyongabo Photo 2 Script: Hannah Photo 3 Script: Mya

D. WMRS Mornings - Morning Announcement Compilation 7:23 Script: Ms Kaela Gillan and the Communications Class: Mehak Aziz, Michelle Barr, Greg Beckett, May Borland, Adam Brown, Daren Kler

Scene 25 Library Recording (Kate Rutter ) 1:18 Script: Kate Rutter

Scene 26 Pool Slideshow (Dean Rideout) 3:19 Script: Dean Rideout

Scene 27 Southview Residence Video #1 1:21 (Staff Greeting with Faye Grygorcewicz) Video #2 3:59 (Students) Video #3 1:03 (Rooters' Club Cindy Brookshaw)

Scene 28 Music Wing History Recording 4:31 Photo (Organ) Script: Carolyn Cresswell -story, Laura Stinson - soundscape

Scene 30 Student Centre Recording (Student Council: Liam, Mehak, Owen, Anthony) 1:13

Script: WRMS 2020-21 Student Council Executives- Liam Howell - President, Mehak Aziz - Vice-President, Owen Parkin - Communications Officer, Anthony Greeno - Secretary

Scene 31 Hallway

Scene 32 Business Office "The Impossible is only the Untried" then Mr Maggiacomo's office Principal's Final Message

Script: Dan Maggiacomo, Principal

Scene 33 End of School Tour (walking away from school) >> Add Music: Windows Lo-Fi (Adam Brown)

Run For Light Intro Recording 0:17 Script: Ben Akuoko Video 1:07 Script: Bob Mannen, Mick Ferras

Outtakes >>> Then add Music: Duck, Duck, Goose (Adam Brown)

Credits Script: Thank you to all staff and students who participated in the 2021 Celebration Day with contributions of videos, recordings, photos, editing and creative ideas! Thank you to editors Earl McCluskie and Daniel Wolak. Electronic Music composed by Adam Brown.

Intermission Between the Part 1 and Part 2

Celebration Day - PART 2

Drama Production - The Ward 32:23


Art Visuals for entire Audio Play Photo

End Credits The Ward Featuring the Talents of Lilly Ruston, Megan Myers, Anthony Greeno, Taylor Proulx, and Adam Brown, Directed and edited by Ms Kaela Gillan, with additional editing by Dan Wolak