Heritage Committee

WRMS Heritage Moments...

Announcement intro - TC Lachance - recording (to use at the beginning and end of the stories for announcements) TC's Recording (this one works for everyone)

The History of the Music Wing - C. Cresswell - story - recording - news article (archive.org 1874-1875)

The History of the WMRS Residence - Part 1 (Evolution of the Residence) - S. Rideout - story - recording

The History of WRMS Residence - Part 2 (A Student's Day) - S. Rideout - story - recording

The History of WRMS Residence - Part 3 (Buildings on Campus) - S. Rideout - story - recording (5min)

The History of WRMS Residence - Part 4 (The Gardiner Walk) - S. Rideout

The History of Skating at WRMS - C. Maguire - story - recording

The History of Heritage House (The Gatekeeper's Lodge/ Margaret Chandler Heritage House) - R. Leaist - story - recording 2:00

The History of the Otter Mascot - S. Raw - recording 1:16

The Mission and Vision at WRMS - S. Raw - recording 1:21

A Brief History of the Paralympic Games - N. Rollings - Story Recording

The Campus - D. Maggiacomo

From history class:

Courses (audio) 2:09

Snoezelen Room (audio) 1:16

Music Program (audio) 1:35

Student Voices (audio) 3:05

Upcoming Projects

Local historian Ruth Lefler will write an article about the school starting in September 2021. - Bob Mannen

Flag Raising - City Hall - Rhonda Leaist (design our own flag for the 150th?)>> a new 150th WRMS flag was raised with a town crier on May 26, 2022 at the flag poles outside Front Admin