
For those who are interested in our crash courses, designed to be compact and fit your busy schedule, to hone your craft and broaden your in-depth understanding of the subjects.



  • How to develop and hone your skills

  • How to adapt a writing style you like

  • How to motivate and pace yourself


  • How to set up and operate your business

  • Do's and don'ts, the ins and outs of this field

  • What unseen countermeasures to look out for

Lesson plans +

  1. Types of writing style, how to find out which one(s) suit you, and how to adapt them

  2. The psychological methodology in self-motivation, and how to keep you productive, tailored according to your lifestyle

  3. How to manage complex plotline; how to write complex scenes

  4. World-building and Plot-refining; hands on practise and guidance on your project; live feedback

  5. How to market and determine audience for your book before production starts

Lesson plans +

  1. Basic knowledge on how commissioning works

  2. How to package your commission service

  3. How to promote your brand and business, and look for jobs

  4. Live practise and guidance on setting up your business, website, and accounts. How to make use of social media to attract customers in

  5. Aspects to be wary of on business practises; how to set up failsafes from online scam and theft (fake customer)

  6. How to protect your business and brand

  7. Tactics and business strategies; long-term preparations for ongoing business, and how it can help rake more money in

  8. Customer service and how it can affect clients' impressions

  9. How to package your products and make it appeal to potential customers

  10. Why holding up event promotions and sponsorship matters, and how to make them happen



You decide what subject we take on, at your leisure.


You follow our pre-planned lesson pack.



Whenever both parties are online, spur of the moment.


Once a week, twice a week, or once a month; your choice.

*same rates as our universal pricing

*all payments are made in advance


10 years of experience in:

Writing & Self-Publishing

5 years of experience in:

Commissioning Business


  • "Thanks to your attentive guidance, I was able to improve my productivity, polish my writing, and receive hands-on feedback on my stories. Definitely would recommend!" —@jason, hobbyist writer (1 x set session, and 1 x freeflow session, writing class student)

  • "I am publishing my book nationwide and I just need someone to tell me if I'm doing the right thing or not. It's reassuring to know #WritingCommission thinks well of my book before I make the leap." —@JonathanGoh, published author (1 x freeflow session, writing class student)

  • "Insights are logical and very relatable to my project. Thank you for your time." —@edetha, game developer (1 x set session, marketing class student)

to schedule your classes

Let us know about:

  • Your pick of the classes

  • Your prefered lesson distribution and lesson plans

  • Your schedule frequency / timing


Basic understanding of English and grammar.

Basic understanding on how to operate modern technology.


Youtube is a great platform to learn any subjects by yourself. If that is your preference, here are some helpful videos to get you started on your own:

So what is the difference between self-study and taking our classes? For one thing, you can ask for odd, specific, complex questions live on various aspects of your chosen subjects. You can get live feedback, and even some direct help to smooth over your projects. If these are the type of needs that suit you, we're welcomed to join our online courses.