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testimonials and reviews of successfully delivered stories

"I liked the idea for this story of having there be shades of grey in the two main characters. I really liked the work you put in taking the basic ideas and fleshing them out to where the characters had fully realised back stories and a believably unhealthy relationship between two flawed people, but also being able to see good in them as well."

"This seems by far the most dialogue heavy story with lots of back and forth between the two main characters. I think you captured their 'voices' perfectly and I liked how their arguments could be at times comedic with them being snarky back and forth, but then turning ugly because they both knew exactly how to hit a sore spot on the other.

"For all their flaws, you still managed to find the humanity in these characters trapped in a horrific situation. When I was reading their more empathetic moments in part one that's where I knew the story was going to be tough to read because I knew they were going to lose some of that as the situation worsened later on. You did a great job making me invested in the characters and dreading what was to come - again, that's a positive for a horror story."

"For each story you've done I've talked about there being scenes with something that stands out to me as something particularly interesting visually. For this one I really loved the Found Footage style scene where Serenity gets swarmed by bugs and you're kind of in the moment with her as all these chaotic things are going on around her, with the camera swooping around and bugs everywhere, including crawling over the camera.

"Remaining mysteries: I knew when outlining this one I was much more intersted in the characters and scenario itself rather than having clear explanations for everything that was happening. For this one I was satisfied with a more nightmarish almost dream style plot where the logic isn't always clear. Which is fine on this occasion for a story commissioned by me for me, even though normally I would try to tie the logic together a bit more. Retail is actually a little similar, except once you have 'demons' as the explanation, that covers any logic gaps pretty well."

"You did in part one sort of allude to something bigger going on in the world at large (which was why none of their contacts were able to help them.) I think my own explanation for the infestation and quarantine would have come down to a larger world building thing as well. But since the story was always supposed to be from the perspective of just those two characters, I'm fine with the mysteries being left unsolved."

"Logistics of character positioning is probably one of the weaknesses back in Spiders. Not that I don't think Spiders is great, but with the main characters all moving in the same group as a group of mercenaries, there can easily be long stretches of action scenes where some of the main characters are just kind of lost in the group. Obviously we were still both finding our way a bit through that concept at that point. Golems tightened that up noticeably with the main protagonists all trying to help each other, while the human antagonist is still in the group but working to their own agenda, and you clearly understand what everyone's doing at most moments."

"Anyway, thanks very much for all your hard work and help over the past few months." โ€”@J. Knight, Insect Horror Story.

"Appreciate you not only taking on the challenge but managing to deliver a wonderful end result. Part of the complexity comes from simply trying to make the logistics of the sea voyage work and I think you showed great skill at being able to navigate the technical side of how everything works: you managed to convey how everything worked in a way that felt believable."

"Of course part of the complexity is definitely increased by my part where I've added in numerous elements that need to be juggled from the AI system, to the creatures, the layered human relationships and various plot elements. Your writing experience shows in how you managed to pull everything together and make everything blend together nicely."

"I especially enjoyed the payoff to something that came from a very brief discussion we had where you suggested giving the AI a machine like designation alongside the name Mandy. I loved the payoff to Sophie's character arc simply being that she calls her by the name Mandy for the first time. It's a nicely kind of understated moment all the better for just being allowed to sit there as it is." โ€”@โ€”@J. Knight, biggest commissioner of all time.

"It was your own idea to make R a social media influencer and the story is all the better for it; it fits her character perfectly, giving her an outlet to show off her purchases and craft her illusionary fairy tale world.

"You had suggested taking time to flesh out Rโ€™s life and you did a fantastic job with this. Ultimately while the story later introduces monsters, some of the best horror stories are really about yourself and how you can't get away from yourself. You really nail that right from the beginning as you go through the loop and spiral of Rโ€™s scams and the increasing lengths she has to go through to maintain the same rush. Even when we did get to the introduction of the angel/demon hybrid creatures, you still do a great job keeping the focus on Rebecca and her guilt/the workings of her mind.

"Your introduction of the creatures does stand out as my favourite scene from the commissions you've written for me: full of fantastic nightmare imagery. I think you always manage to come up with strong, evocative descriptions and ideas that give a strong image to the reader visually. I think I forgot to mention in my feedback to the Golems story how much I loved the descriptions of the mud golem and the rock golem, where the mud golem is kind of melting and the rock golem is getting stuck in the mud golem.

"The creature scene here is also all the more effective because of the build up before it as we have the sharp contrast of the glamorous world that Rebecca has been trying to immerse herself in now running into the ugly reality of her actions. Your pacing was absolutely perfect and the different elements of the commission also afforded you the opportunity to show off some of the range of your writing. I think you managed to hit some of the more comedic points very well when we got to things like the absurd questions Rebecca had to answer on the return form, when she's trying to return her dress. Being able to manage the blend between all these different elements shows great skill.

"Another addition that was entirely yours that I really loved were all the scenes where Rebecca began to see the dress she had once loved as this cursed object that started to make her feel like a prisoner, with her inability to get rid of it. It was really neat to see her go through step by step each option she had to deal with the situation, from trying to pawn the dress to getting her followers to buy it, and seeing her psyche unravel as each attempt fails. It's a wonderfully absurd sounding horror concept that you make work brilliantly in execution. Likewise how when she was at her wits end, the way she turned to shopping for comfort made it clear that her habits would be hard to break. And also shows how isolated she is - shopping seems to the only thing she really has to turn to.

"And as for the final scenesโ€ฆ just wow. I was impressed with your suggestion, when I had given three different ideas for endings and you had an idea that made sense to use all of them. You executed everything perfectly. I was initially confused during the redemption parts by the crossed out words, thinking they were edits that had been left in. My eyes actually buldged when I realised they were supressed/repressed thoughts of Rโ€™s that cast doubt over whether she truly was embracing becoming a better person, or whether her efforts were based more off of fear from the terrifying things she'd seen.

"Rโ€™s final fate was absolutely brutal; you always do a great job with the death scenes and with just one in this story, you certainly gave her the most gruesome end we've seen in these stories (and just plain one of the most brutal deaths imaginable for that matter). Sometimes I just enjoy seeing a villain getting their comeuppance and sometimes from a horror perspective the horror is seeing someone suffer in a way they don't deserve. Rโ€™s ending is the best of both worlds: she was was afforded a chance at redemption and it's entirely her responsibility that she squandered it. At the same time, she certainly didn't deserve such an awful fate, and there's tragedy since we do see her at least trying to leave her old life behind and being able to recognise how empty it really was. She's more a weak willed, impulsive person than an evil one. In the end, it's fitting for her character to mentally seek refuge and find the happiest moments in her life were shopping and scams. And in the end that was just never going to be enough for her to escape her horrifying reality.
"Tying the reveal at the end to Halloween was a nice little timely touch! Thank you so much for all your work on this, the end result was wonderful." โ€”@J. Knight, commissioner of a horror-survival story, best reviewer of all time, best customer to work with of all time, best timmer of all time & highest amount of one-time order 2024.

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