Terms of Service

By submitting an order, you agree to the following terms of service:

  • Invoice has a 15% tax applied.

  • Upfront payment must be made before your order can officially be processed. Story shall only be written once payment is fulfilled and we get to your respected queue.

    • Payment must be made directly to your assigned invoice, or it might not be considered legible.

  • We promise to fulfill your order requirements as best as we can, and that in return you will respect the resulted story that's delivered to you. You are not allowed to commit/promote/encourage any activity that will result in damages to our brand. Any constructive criticisms you make regarding our product(s) must be carried with respectful and civil manner.

  • All invoicing will comply to current price rates, including previously published invoices that is still unpaid or partially paid.

  • Transaction fees that may apply shall be supported by the commissioner, automatically added to the total order of your invoice and is non-refundable. We are not responsible for delays due to incomplete payment pendings.

  • Writing process is done in efficient speed, and trust that your story will be delivered by the end of the day, regardless of massive traffic.

  • Default permission is given to rearrange or add any relevant plot points/flow of events in order to improve your storyline.

  • Our writer(s) reserve the rights to set breaks in between projects, unless there's any prior urgent deadline specified.

    • For large scale orders above 5,000 words and so forth, please expect some term breaks to occur in between.

  • Estimated time of delivery is between 2 to 4 weeks after we reach your turn; standart waiting time is about 1 month in queue. The time needed to finish an order may also vary, depending on the amount bought on a single purchase.

  • Upgrading to Priority Order for all deadlined projects is a must. Urgent notice must be informed in prior. Should you feel the need to abruptly have your story finished someway in urgent along the way, you are obligated to notify us at least 2 weeks prior via a formal written email, and your remaining credits will automatically be converted into Priority upgrades (if you haven't sent in any payment for this add-on beforehand).

  • Should the need arise, we reserve the right to prioritize series/continues orders’ completion first over singular/non-continual commissions. You can make your order an exception to this through the shielding of a Priority add-on.

  • Outline can be provided in two ways:

(Option 1) If you can provide story info, plot, character profile, etc. Once submitted, please refrain from making any major changes. Unless specified, writer will automatically take creative liberty by default.

(Option 2) Omakase, if you want the author to determine how the story goes, please send us a list of your personal preferences. Request for major changes will require extra charges at a later date.

All details must be submitted via our online order form.

  • We are not responsible for any late and/or incorrect information provided by client. Failure to monitor the writing process on client's part is outside of our responsibilities.

  • Word count will be utilized based on the writer’s creative judgements, unless specified.

  • You are entitled to free minor revisions, as long as it stays within a dozen words, up to a few sentences throughout the finished product. If you happen to spot any typos, feel free to highlight them and we will fix it right up for you.

      • No drastic revisions are allowed.

      • Should it occur, you are responsible in directing major changes to the writer before (or during) the writing process.

      • Requests of partial removal from the story will not affect the amount of utilized word count. Any further major revisions will be charged accordingly.

  • Once a project is declared 'done' (via email/chat notification), client has a maximum of 2 weeks to request any additional revision. Any incoming revisions requests after the 2 week period onwards will automaticallybe considered null.

  • If your project has been in pending for longer than 1 month, but you want to re-continue, you will be charged with a Study Case fee. If you order a sequel for a past story that has been completed over a month ago, and would like me to retain excellent recollection from those past notes (re-study), you will need to add Case Study to your current/new order. Re-study is not automatically included unless it’s specifically paid for.

  • First-timers who are new to the proceedings of commissioning (or our business format in general) are obligated to read through our website's information thoroughly to avoid any misunderstanding. If you are not familiar with English or are new to internet abbreviation/slang from the world of fanfiction, please let us know ahead of time so we can accommodate accordingly.

  • You must reply back to us in the same email 'Subject' when discussing important details/changes of the story in order to avoid maximum error, and promise to carry full responsibilities for any mishaps caused when fail to comply.

  • We require you to at least remain relatively active online, especially throughout the making process of your order, to help ensure you're getting the commission result you want.

  • By default, we are not responsible for any failure on the customer's part in communication for any reason (AWOL, amnesia, unable to comprehend and communicate English fluently, etc.) It is within our team's discretion to put a halt on the project if we find some aspects of the story needed to be clarified/redefined/reaffirmed by the commissioner, unless requested otherwise at the beginning of the project.

  • You are obligated to inform us of any changes you would like to make regarding story requirement ahead of time through written words, provide a revamped list of requirements/story notes when drastic/multiple changes have been made during/before project is completed; otherwise it's considered nulled.

  • Word count that has not been utilized can be 💾saved for your next story. You will have 1 year exactly (from the time of your last commission was completed) to fully redeem your remaining balance / word count. Any other bonus, discount vouchers, etc must be used within the year they are issued or they will expire. All offers and remaining word count will automatically reset to zero after the new year.

  • After taking in orders, it is still possible to us to suggest other add-ons to help further develop your story down the way.

  • In the unlikely event that: we're out of internet access, we got hospitalized, or if our devices crash; projects will have to be put in delay until we can get back to work again. Assured that we will do our best to speed up any unpredictable hindrance as best as we possibly can.

  • In the case of partial payments, work can only be done up to the amount that has been paid. (For example: if the final invoice due is $400 for 10,000 words, but only $100 / 2,000 words has been paid, then the amount of work owed is only up to 2,000 words. Once invoice has been fully cleared for the initially agreed amount, which is $400 in total, then you will finally receive the final word count total that is 10,000 words.) This is done to prevent studio's monetary loss in the odd case that client fails to pay the remaining amount during mid-project, or cancel the project before the final amount is paid.

  • All sales are final. We’ll gladly accept story returns, exchanges and cancellations if you are able to find another commissioner who is willing to do the trade for your commission(s) and take full charges on your account (This offer is made to provide customers more flexibility for reasons stated above). Customer is responsible for finding a trade partner independently, and can only submit new buyer data to customer service once our new buyer is ready to make full payments; before this trade can be officially acknowledged and proceeding orders for both customers may be resumed. Standard transaction fees may apply. Any related project(s) may be automatically postponed during this request proceeding.

    • Please treat refund request very seriously. We regret to learn that you are having problems with your order and that you wish to cancel your order. You can submit your refund request over at this form. Once the topic is brought up, all accounts will automatically be put in pending until further notice, you will immediately receive a formal case reply. By submitting this request, you understand and acknowledge the approval that the entirety of our conversation history and order details/results will have to be submitted to Paypal (including but not limited to any NSFW materials and private Paypal information) in order to officially legitimize this request.

    • No refund can be requested individually once payment is made. You hired us because you’ve acknowledged the standard talent and creativity that our studio can deliver, including any possible typo / human error that may be reflected on our work; and that it is impossible to reverse literature work that has been produced. In attempts to avoid typos, we regularly use standard international well-known tools such as GradeProof and Grammarly, and offer additional external support through Proofread add-on.

  • We reserve the rights to disable download/copy options for projects with incomplete payments.

  • Should you feel that your story has been abandoned/updates have unexpectedly stopped, please send a gentle reminder to resolve this hiatus.

  • Should it occur that we are unable to continue working on your story/project for any reason, we reserve full rights to cancel the project and refund your remaining credits without any prior notice or consequences on our part.

  • If your order is already on the works, a 90% penalty of will automatically be deducted from your balance upon one-sided cancellation from your end, and we will send over your remaining balance so that another literature studio may assist you on the rest of your project.

  • You are responsible in ensuring that you received your Google Doc link right after payment.

  • Wherever and whenever you repost stories done by us, you must always include credit and backlink to this site (+ logo/banner whenever possible) with the subject 'Credits' to our email address.

  • Orphaned commissions (projects that have been discontinued for various reasons and unpaid) grant us full rights over all assets.

    • No reselling/profit gaining allowed of any form from the stories we've written without priorly retained exclusive permission. Game projects must acquire credited/non-credited mass production permission upon hiring.

  • We reserve the rights to refund or cancel your project; as well as retract/postpone any given bonus/freebie without prior notice.

  • To switch out different payment method after invoice has been paid, you will need to send out a replacement payment first before we can refund you.

  • All discounted purchases are automatically considered as back-burner projects. Order completion takes second priority below all ongoing/present regular/full-priced orders.

  • Please keep your conversation calm, polite, and respectful to our employes throughout the entire ordeal. Please strongly avoid profanity and threatening language, and we will work our best to resolve any issue(s) that might occur. We value a calm and peaceful working environment.

    • If you're not internet savvy or unfamiliar with fanfiction slangs, or see terminologies you do not understand (either from this site or when we're communication with you), we strong suggest you google it asap, as it might convey an important message you're hugely missing out on. If this criteria falls under you, you are required to mention this in a message as it might play a big part on how we interact with you.

    • Do not overflow our inbox, you promise to respect the time we take to finish your order; keep exchanged messages polite and under moderate amount at a time; if you have multiple questions to ask at once, it is suggested that you compose everything under 1 single email/message when you can, to convey your message and write cleanly.

    • Do not share your real personal photos to us, especially NSFW photos. We prefer to keep all parties to remain anonymous. Breaking of rule will result in instant blacklist. You can, however, submit an artistic interpretation of your self portrait, or use an actor/celebrity's images instead.

    • You promise to never blackmail / threaten us / our livelihood, promote offensive / hate speech to / against our studio and customer service, and always aim to maintain courteous dialogues indefinitely. Threats of any kind, whether explicitly declared or hinted, will result in an instant blacklist without prior warning.

    • Continuous harassment and/or unreasonable demands outside of your purchase / against our terms of service may result in a permanent ban and frozen assets without any prior notice; and we will reserve all rights to postpone/decline any proceeding works afterward.

  • Disclaimer: We do not condone any violence, non-con or negative actives done by the fictional characters depicted in any of the commissions we help produce in any way. Fictional stories are not to be taken seriously, especially not to be practiced in real life.

  • For security privacy safety, we highly discourage customer from disclosing private information. Keeping private information secure is the customer's responsibility.

  • These rules are subject to change without any prior notice.

  • All terms and conditions apply. Please respect our processing method. By placing any orders and completing payments to us, you fully and consciously acknowledge in understanding this agreement to its fullest context and will not violate our ToS (Terms of Service), regardless of any pre-existing/existing/subsequent mental conditions, memory loss, or any other diseases that might occur before/during/after this project. We can not be hold accountable if client refuses/forget/skip to reading our terms.