
Conference Curriculum Materials

This page will eventually contain links or downloads of all readings, materials for your use, and suggested assignments. Although you will be provided with a printed packet when you arrive, we want to make sure that digital access is available. The website is live and will be updated regularly, so check back for new information. We will be adding readings throughout the conference. 

Director's Note From Mercy Carbonell

Dear Writers' Workshop 2024 ~

We are excited to Welcome you to the Writers' Workshop 2024! To those of you returning, it will be wonderful to have you with us again. We hope this finds all of you well and gearing up for a week in NH where there is so much in bloom right now.

This year, as we did last year, we will be holding most of our writing sessions in the Louis Kahn Library where we can be amongst the books & the quiet & look out on the campus. We will primarily be up the first flight of stairs in Rockefeller Hall & in two adjacent rooms for Workshops. If you are curious about the story/history of the Kahn Library, our Head Librarian, Laura Wood, and her inspiring Staff can offer history/resources. Our Archives are incredible to sink into. 

Our first gathering will be on Sunday June 23rd at 4pm. We will be meeting in Phillips Hall basement, in a break-out space affectionately called The Baby Agora by my students. We will meet there so that you can see our classrooms & where other printers are located. As well, you will receive a Reader at our opening meeting of some various pieces of our visiting writers and that we hope will be resources for you throughout the week. There will be copies of some of our visiting writers'/guests' books at our bookstore, as well. *We will be doing Introductions and some writing at this first gathering. 

In addition to a computer/laptop, we recommend that you bring pens/pencils you love & a Journal/paper so that you can be within a tactile realm at times. 

As well, please bring with you if you can (or take a photo if easier):

I) a small artifact/object that connects you in some way to the wider world ~ to landscape, to history, to the deep time of the universe, etc.​ It can be something that you have inherited or something entirely ordinary, too. (e.g. a small rock you found in your yard or at the ocean one day). 

II) a few photographs: of a person/people with whom you feel you belong; of a place/landscape you love or identify with; of a situation you paused along your way to witness; an image that has within it something you do not quite understand, a mystery or ambiguity or perhaps a dynamic for which you cannot easily find language. 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out via text or email. 

We are very much looking forward to meeting you, to seeing you again, to being with you through this week of writing & writers & workshops & words ~ 

Be well

~ Mercy Carbonell


Co-Director of The Writers' Workshop

603-557-3479 *texting is great

w/ Tim Horvath


Co-Director of The Writers' Workshop

Readings and Curriculum Materials

Readings for WW 2024.docx

Readings Coming Soon

Readings Coming Soon

Materials Coming Soon

Materials Coming Soon