Create the Process

The Process guides learners through the steps you want them to take on the way to completion and provides resources to enable success. Chunking the process into three phases will make planning and completion more manageable.

Phase 1 - Resources

Goal: Analyze information

WQs for younger learners provide all of the web research and focuses on the analysis and synthesis of information to create the learning product.

Instructors in post-secondary settings will seed the WQ with a few resources then require students to perform additional research. Requiring a research component offers much needed practice with information literacy, locating credible sources, and citing references using the citation style of the particular discipline.

Phase 2 - Planning

Goal: Synthesize information and plan learning artifact

This phase asks students to transform new learning into the learning artifact described in the task section. Teams brainstorm ideas, wrestling with issues, test solutions, and reach consensus in this phase of the process.

Phase 3 - Create

Goal: Produce the final product

In the final step in the process, learners collaborate to create the final product described in the task. You might incorporate a presentation component in this step.

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