Next Steps

Dust To Glory

Join us on Sunday mornings at 9:30 for "Dust to Glory". Pastor Brad teaches this Adult Class which surveys both the Old and New Testaments. It's a great way to deepen your knowledge of the Bible and provides a panorama of biblical truth and a starting point to help you understand the content of the Bible. Dust to Glory can energize your study of the Bible, provide you with new insights, and improve your ability to read, understand, and apply Scripture to your life. 


Baptism is a sign and seal of God’s covenant of grace, and it’s a significant moment in the life of every believer. It’s also one of two sacraments in our denomination, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Through baptism we claim the promise that those who put their faith in Christ will be saved to the uttermost. If you’re interested in baptism for yourself or your child, contact the church office to speak with the pastor. 


Worship is central to the growth and life of a Christian. Scripture teaches us that all of life is an act of worship, not just one hour on Sunday mornings. We gather either in person or online through our Youtube channel. Our weekly service is at 10:30 on Sunday mornings with our Adult Class beginning at 9:30. Make worship your priority!

Westminster 101

Let’s get to know each other! Meet others who are new to Westminster. Learn how your own story can connect with ours to make a difference in our community! Westminster 101 is your first step to join the church and becoming a member is your first step if you want to get baptized. Watch your bulletin for details when our next class will be held. 

Ligonier Ministries

Looking for an online resource that will help you grow in your understand of God's Word and the Reformed Faith? Click on our link to Ligonier Ministries for endless resources on bible study, church history, theology, philosophy, and culture.