Westminster Presbyterian Church Vero Beach, FL
Worship: Sundays at 10:30am
Welcome from our Sr. Pastor
Welcome to Westminster Presbyterian Church of Vero Beach! I have the great honor of leading this wonderful and exciting congregation as we worship each Sunday and discover what it means to become more like Jesus Christ. If you're looking for great music, expository preaching, and friendly people, we're the church for you. We're located near the corner of State Route 60 and 58th Ave. Please join us Sundays at 10:30 AM for worship!
Rev. Dr. Brad Klostreich
Our worship services feature hymns, organ music, and great musicians. You don't have to dress fancy, but if you want to, then please do.
When you arrive, you'll find parking on three sides; west, east, and north.
If you have kids, we encourage families to worship together as a means of both growing closer to Jesus and each other as well.
When you enter the sanctuary, please receive a worship bulletin which will help all of us stay together.
After our worship service, we invite everyone for drinks and snacks in our fellowship hall.
If you're unable to join us in person, please watch our services on Youtube or by following us on Facebook.