Dust to Glory

Dust to Glory

Join us on Sunday mornings at 9:30 for our series of Redemptive history entitled, "Dust to Glory". The goal is to provide church goers with a panorama of Bible knowledge and a starting point to help us understand the Bible. 

Listen to a recent study from our Adult Sunday School Class

Session 1: "Creation" 

Session 2: "The Image of God in Man"

Session 3: "The Fall"   

Session 4: "Abraham and the Covenant"

Session 5: "Joseph, Moses, and the Exodus"

Session 6: "The Passover"   

Session 7: "The Giving of the Law"

Session 8: "The Tabernacle"

Session 9: "Aaron and the Priesthood"

Session 10: "The Sacrificial System"

Session 11: "Joshua and the Conquest of Canaan"

Session 12: "Judges" 

Session 13: "Monarchy"

Session 14: "David"

Session 15: "Solomon" 

Session 16: "The Divided Kingdom" 

Session 17: "Elijah" 

Session 18: "Isaiah"

Session 19: "Jeremiah"

Session 20: "The Exile"

Session 21: "Ezekiel"

Session 22: "Daniel"

Session 23: "Amos & Hosea"

Session 24: "Joel, Micah, Habakkuk"

Session 25: "Wisdom Literature"

Session 26: "The Psalms"

Session 27: "Ecclesiastes"

Session 28: "Job"

Session 29: "Intertestamental Period"

Session 30: "Intertestamental Period 2.0"

Session 31: "John the Baptist" 

Session 33: "The Birth of Jesus"

Session 34: "The Early Years of Jesus' Life"

Session 35: "Jesus' Baptism & Temptation"

Session 36: "Jesus Inaugural Address & Ministry"

Session 37: "Parables"

Session 38: "Interpreting Parables"

Session 39: "Miracles"

Session 40: "The Caesarea Confession"

Session 41: "The Transfiguration"

Session 42: "The Triumphal Entry"

Session 43: "The Cross"

Session 44: "Pentecost"

Session 45: "Acts of the Holy Spirit"

Session 46: "The Conversion of Paul"

Session 47: "Romans"

Session 48: "I & II Corinthians"

Session 49: "I & II Timothy" 

Session 50: "Hebrews"

Session 51: "General Epistles" 

Session 52: "Introduction to Revelation"

Session 53: "The Christ of Revelation"

Session 54: "The Glory of God"

Session 55: "The AntiChrist" 

Session 56: "The Beast"