
Welcome to the NeuroLab! Our research focuses on the fascinating field of neuroregeneration, where we investigate axon regeneration. Towards this end, we study a unique form of neuroregeneration that is enhanced by a remarkable effect called lesion conditioning and can promote the mammalian central nervous system. We model lesion conditioning in the roundworm C. elegans, allowing us to examine genetic mechanisms of regeneration at a single-cell resolution.

Our laboratory uses advanced microscopy techniques that enable us to visualize and analyze the complex cellular structures of C. elegans. Additionally, we utilize a femtosecond laser to sever neurites and study their ability to regenerate under different pathways. We aim to automate these techniques to streamline immobilization, imaging, laser surgery, and reimaging of animals. Our interdisciplinary approach produces important insights into the mechanisms of neuroregeneration, toward the goal of developing therapies for neurological injuries and diseases.

ISEC 206 

805 Columbus Avenue

Boston, MA 02118