
Congratulations Dr. Noa William Franklin Grooms!

29 April 2023 - Congratulations to our Ph.D student Noa who completed his dissertation and has officially become Dr. Grooms! He was also awarded the 2024 College of Engineering Outstanding Graduate Student Award! We could not be more proud!

26 January 2023 - Dr. Yao Wang presented on behalf of our lab at the SPIE Photonics West Conference in San Francisco! We are also so proud of all the work he has been doing at Rockefeller University over the past year.

12 November 2023 - Noa presented his talk, "CREB is the primary driver of the preconditioning signal that enhances neuroregeneration and modulates transcriptional levels in C. elegans" at the esteemed Society for Neuroscience Conference! Great job, Noa!

Congratulations Ascent Award Winner Emma Nace!

7 September 2023 - Congratulations to our undergraduate student Emma Nace for winning the competitive Ascent Award from Northeastern University!

19 June 2023 - Noa WF Grooms has published a paper "Expression of thioredoxin-1 in the ASJ neuron corresponds with and enhances intrinsic regenerative capacity under lesion condition in C. elegans" in FEBS letters. In this study, we found that thioredoxin plays a functional role in two pathways of regeneration in the ASJ sensory neuron. We also demonstrate that thioredoxin is strongly upregulated when we condition the ASJ to regenerate, indicating that its expression highly corresponds with the regenerative state of the neuron.

Congratulations Dr. Yao Leon Wang!

19 April 2023 - Congratulations to our Ph.D student Yao Wang who completed his dissertation and has officially become Dr. Wang!

1 January 2023 - Tina Thuy Nguyen Hoang joins the lab as the third Ph.D. student! See "Chung Lab" for more information. 

Cooling Stage Workshop Highlights

We had a joyful cooling stage workshop on July 9th, 2022. We hosted several researchers from seven institutes and everyone successfully built a working cooling stage during the workshop.

Cooling Stage Workshop

My lab would like to host a Build-a-thon Workshop for labs interested in a stage that cools entire cultivation plates for mass immobilization of C. elegans (see photo, preprint The workshop will be hold on a July 9th

High-resolution microscopy involves immobilization and recovery procedures that are extensive and time-consuming, including making slides and mounting animals. By cooling animals on their plates, we eliminate 98% of the time spent on these procedures to greatly speed up imaging experiments. We believe our cooling stage and immobilization approach will enable high-throughput studies, such as quantitative visual screens, on standard C. elegans microscope setups and workflows.

A few senior faculty, including Prof. Anne Hart, recently tested the cooling stage. They thought that the immobilization strength was comparable to azide and confirmed that it allowed blur-free fluorescence imaging at single-cell resolution.

We plan to order all the parts and guide people through the assembly process. Interested labs would only have to send a participant to Northeastern Univ. and cover the material costs. We constructed our prototype for about $500. We hope that bulk purchases may offset increased costs due to recent inflation.

If your lab is interested, please either email the lead grad student Yao Wang ( We will add you to an email list for further information as we pin down everything. 

A interesting WormArt created by this cooling stage can be seen here:

Our paper 'Transverse and axial resolution of femtosecond laser ablation' has been published in the Journal of Biophotonics. This study examines the transverse and axial resolution of laser surgery by deriving a simple theoretical model for laser ablation, measuring damage spots in agarose and glass, and assessing surgeries in single neurons of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. We also found that ablation at high numerical aperture near the threshold has an axial resolution that is similar to the transverse resolution.

We preprint a paper on Biorxiv, 'Immobilization of C. elegans on cultivation plates by thermoelectric cooling for high-throughput subcellular-resolution microscopy'. We found that a higher than conventional cold temperature immobilizes worms more effectively.

We preprint a paper on Biorxiv, 'Confocal imaging capacity on a widefield microscope using a spatial light modulator'. It is a low-cost while high performance microscopy technique.  It is now on Plos One. Link here.

11 Mar 2020-Our laboratory has published its second paper, in collaboration with Prof. Gal Haspel from Rutgers! The study compares different types of femtosecond lasers. 

28 Nov 2019-Our laboratory has published its first paper! The study details our work building and characterizing a device for converting single color microscopes to multicolor. 

18 April 2019-William "Nate" Cunningham, a first year computer scientist, joins the lab! Welcome, Nate!

17 April 2019-Congratulations to Yao Wang for successfully defending his M.S. thesis, "Feasibility experiments toward a high-throughput microscope platform  for neuroscience research in C. elegans".

8 April 2019-Congratulations to Prof. Chung for winning a Northeastern TIER 1 award! In collaboration with Prof. Armen Stepanyants (Northeastern Univ. Physics Dept.) he will develop a high-throughput platform for microscopy.

1 Jan 2019-Noa Grooms joins the lab as the second Ph.D. student! See People for more information.

11 Oct 2018-Installation of our short pulse laser! The Spectra-Physics Spirit laser outputs 4 W of power for single-cell surgeries. 

29 Aug 2018-Installation of our optical table!

5 July 2018-Samuel Urena joins the lab as the first Ph.D. student! See People for more information.

20 June 2018-Prof. Chung and three other Bioengineering faculty are featured in the Engineering @ Northeastern Magazine!

16 April 2018-Krishna and Sompurna join the lab! See People for more information.

1 March 2018- We are recruiting:

Please contact Prof. Chung with a resume/CV if interested.

5 Feb 2018-The NeuroLab moves in to our permanent location on the 2nd floor of ISEC!

31 Jan 2018-Installation of the new Nikon Ti2 inverted microscope. This microscope will be our primary workhorse for fluorescence imaging and laser surgery. Computer-controlled stages and optical filters will allow automated high-speed surgeries and long-term imaging of regeneration.

Imaging modalities include brightfield DIC and phase contrast and fluorescence (single channel and multichannel). We will integrate a femtosecond laser into the open back port to perform subcellular-resolution surgeries.

12 Nov 2017-Prof. Chung is approved for a University Honors Program Early Research Award “Genetic dissection of a novel high-throughput invertebrate model for central nervous system regeneration”! The $1000 award will support the research project of a first- or second- year University Honors student.

18 Oct 2017-Courtney, Yao, Erik, and Fitz join the lab! See People for more information.

4 Oct 2017-Prof. Chung is featured in News@Northeastern! See article.

October 2017-

We are recruiting:

Please contact Prof. Chung with a resume/CV if interested. Join our new lab at the Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Complex (ISEC)!

12 Sept 2017- Inaugural microscope installation!

Microscope generously provided by the Gabel Lab, Physiology and Biophysics Dept., Boston University School of Medicine.

5 Sept 2017- Prof. Chung is a finalist for the 2017 Edmund Optics Educational Award!

1 Sept 2017- Dr. Chung begins his junior faculty position in the Bioengineering Dept. at Northeastern University!

ISEC 206 

805 Columbus Avenue

Boston, MA 02118