About Us


Welcome to the website for World History 3967. The information contained in this website reflects over 30 years of research which I believe was partly inspired by my first prayer to God, in which I somewhat ungraciously said, "I don't believe in fairy tales". The central issue I attempt to address is whether it is reasonable to believe the Bible is an accurate revelation from God based on the history of the world. I trust the content of this site will answer this question in the affirmative for an open minded enquirer.

In some ways I feel like one of the lepers in the story found in 2 Kings 7:1-10 who came across the riches of the recently abandoned Syrian army camp and realised they needed to tell the city of Samaria, which at that point in time was suffering from severe famine. I believe the information I have come across, often without seeking it out, is food indeed to a culture starved of the word of God, because of a deep seated view that the Bible is either inaccurate or not from God (or in many cases do not believe such a God exists). Feeble as these efforts may be it is the message not the messenger that matters. (PS If you feel able to produce a more professional presentation of this material it would be my joy for you to do that - I believe this message is so important that the more people put this material in the public sphere the better.)

In summary I believe the overwhelming evidence of Geology, Topography, Biology, Cosmology, History, Miracles, Fulfilled Prophecy and the personal experiences of hundreds of millions of Christians throughout the world cumulatively as well as individually confirm that the Bible is an accurate revelation from God. (I would also commend the following websites as excellent and reliable sources of scientific information on these issues - Answers in Genesis, Creation Ministries, Institute for Creation Research and with regard to miracles the following videos of Professor Keener are a good introduction to this subject https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-a9mJYF-AQ & https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EoJOmxcNL5I - also visit the Creation Articles webpage to see a regularly updated selection of articles from these websites - the following is a good example of their material https://answersingenesis.org/evidence-for-creation/the-10-best-evidences-from-science-that-confirm-a-young-earth/ )

Before I finish this introduction, I want to explain why I find the word revelation so important. My preferred discipline is Philosophy, and in that realm all knowledge is provisional, because we are finite and therefore we cannot know everything. As a consequence we cannot know what we don’t know and therefore we cannot know if what we think we know is true. The Bible warns us not to be hasty in judgement because only God knows the full truth, and this is where the significance of revelation comes in. For revelation from God, who knows everything and who cannot lie, is the only type of knowledge that is absolute and fixed, all other knowledge is provisional. This is why I get so excited about the Bible because it is that type of absolute knowledge, unlike the wisdom of this world. Therefore I can build my life on it, because, if the Bible says I am saved through the death and resurrection of Jesus, then I can fully believe that for myself and this wonderful truth is freely available to all - ‘For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life’. The following video clip is a further explanation of this point. https://youtu.be/DIrFVzJFl9Y Furthermore the doctrine of perspicuity means that where God wishes to be understood He is capable, through the scripture, of making Himself understood. The following link explains this doctrine more clearly https://www.gotquestions.org/perspicuity-of-Scripture.html .

An analogy I find useful to illustrate our present predicament is to consider three people traveling to a destination in complete darkness. They are Fact, Faith and Feelings. In this journey only Fact knows the route and as long as Faith follows Fact, then Feelings will follow Faith. However, if Faith starts to follow Feelings, then all will become confusion. As I hope this website will demonstrate the Bible acts as 'Fact' in our story, because it is an accurate record of God's revelation of truth to humans. Sadly, because our world is imperfect due to the Fall, even when Faith is focused on Fact, Feelings can still find it hard to follow Faith. Which is why the Bible often describes our life this side of the Beatific Vision as a battle, which is often inward in nature (Romans chapter 7 and Ephesians chapter 6 provide good examples of this continuing conflict).

World History Booklet

Below is the link to the booklet on World History. There is also information about how to contact me about the information found in the booklet, articles and the videos.

Link to World History booklet:


(For an explanation as to why I chose 3967 as the suffix to the World History website title see extended video 9 near the bottom of the World History Videos webpage - but one aspect of why I choose 3967 is that I believe we are close to the second coming - see the bottom of this page for two reasons why I hold this belief.)

World History - Significance - This video attempts to give a reason why the study of world history from a biblical perspective is so significant.


World History - Vision - This video looks at the underlying vision and aim behind the booklet and videos on world history.

Email address for conversations about issues raised


(For videos introducing aspects of the material covered in the World History booklet see the World History Videos web page)

Apologetics article - the following article describes how miracles, fulfilled prophecy, biology, geology and cosmology all provide evidence to show that the Bible is an accurate revelation from God https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTAvgn-JExKPU3GxrNiydI3CDc-buf_-n8H7iDL3UtkJnXiDnnFtUtKdJlZ-pcVE2_WFTBj-tW8Q9m7/pub

Updated version (May 2022)


Why it is reasonable to believe there is Irrefutable Evidence for the Worldwide Flood

Video https://youtu.be/0C5LP8Dxbr8

Article https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vS2o1bqG_Mi3NJLZXWUdtsu1iuvVEpc9Y3nyXssVFJxy6RhQxjcfWgQaTpAJkkTxcAOoeTbu1cjuVHn/pub

Other possible reasons for believing the worldwide flood is irrefutable would be the evidence we see in the following depositional features: spits, deltas, and estuaries - I would expect at least 90% of these features across the world to contain material consistent with thousands of years of deposition rather than 100,000's of years. Likewise with erosional features such as wave-cut platforms, talus material at the base of cliffs and waterfall created gorges. It is relatively easy to measure current rates of deposition/erosion in these features and therefore calculate the age of what we observe. If the calculated age is consistently (i.e. over 90%) in the thousands of years, which is what I expect, then we have irrefutable evidence that most of our current landscape is the product of a recent worldwide flood rather than millions of years of slow erosion/deposition.

The following two videos provide excellent reasons why it is reasonable to believe there is irrefutable evidence for the worldwide flood. These two videos are based on the work of Kurt Wise https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=882fmumdm9A&t=27s (to picture the significance of Kurt Wise's discussion of mega sequences -47-63 mins into his talk - the following video is useful https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kd-SnHLVOZM) and Michael Oard https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lomau0IBCCo . These videos clearly indicate the need for a continental and in many cases transcontinental flood event of incredible power to create the fossil bearing sedimentary rock layers beneath us and the land formations we see around us. The following video from 34 mins to 44 mins demonstrates the overwhelming evidence that dinosaur fossils are only thousands of years old because of the existence of soft tissue and carbon 14 in these fossils https://creation.com/media-center/youtube_stream/creation-com-webinars-dinosaurs-amazing-evidence-for-creation .

One Page Summary

The following material was produced to support my open air preaching. I had become increasingly concerned that the average person who did not go to church had no access to any information that questioned the claims made by evolution - they would not be exposed to this information at school, at university or in the broadcast media. So I reasoned that the only way I could reach people with this information is by speaking about it in the shopping areas of England's cities - which is what I have been doing since 2018 (lockdown permitting). This website can be seen as a further extension of this vision to reach as many people as possible with the news that evolution is not a certain fact but in reality an incredibly unlikely proposition (in fact I would go as far as to say it demonstrably false and I suppose my hearts desire is that a thousand Christians would be found on the streets proclaiming these truths. Then, as with the importunate widow, this may result in a willingness to listen).


Why the Urgency of this Message

The population of the earth is now 8 billion whereas prior to 1800 it was less than a billion. This is a profound change and I would suggest it represents a fulfilment of God’s command in Genesis Chapter 1 that humans should fill the earth. Furthermore the recent establishment of the state of Israel (1948) and the restoration of the old city of Jerusalem to Jewish control is linked to a period of history referred to in the Bible as ‘the fullness of the gentiles’ (Luke 21:24 & Romans 11:25). If these two connections are correct then we are very close to the return of the Lord with all the implications for judgement that come with that event (see Matthew chapter 25).

(For other articles that relate to philosophy and other issues see the Other Articles web page)



1) Some have argued that the age of the earth and creation are secondary issues. I am far from convinced that God views with indifference the claim that it took 13.5 Billion years for life to evolve to the point when humans requiring salvation arrived on the scene. Especially when the revelation that had been given to us humans clearly states that creation took 6 days around 6000 years ago - a position consistently held by Jewish authorities and Christians throughout the ages, until the 19th century. My fear is that the churches of Asia, Africa and South America will, in an understandable desire for academic rigour, take on board an unnecessary and I believe unreasonable belief in an old earth - a system of belief that the evidence of the last 200 years has shown to be highly detrimental to the church in Europe. Furthermore it could be argued that Romans chapter 1 illustrates the perils of rejecting God as creator and instead worshipping the creation.

2) Covid 19 and recent events in our society invite us to ask how should Christians respond - the following article is adapted from a recent talk given to older teenagers which attempts to address this issue. https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQkLLmwcjOXdSVPX060zpV2o8Kd97TS-03qHENdy4Hp2V9vk-cYHxRqPcpzcrlPwKQ1khWmtWqLZ3U9/pub

3) The same power that created the heavens and the earth, ensured prophecies were fulfilled and performed miracles, both now and in the past, is available to all those who believe, so that they can live a life of victory, particularly in the area of holiness. We can echo Paul's prayer to the Ephesians that they may know 'His incomparably great power for us who believe, That power is like the working of His mighty strength, which He exerted in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in heavenly realms' (Ephesians 1:19-20)

4) The outcome of the research contained in this website is as follows - We need a new reformation. The first reformation returned the church to the importance of justification by faith not by works. This second reformation is a return to the understanding that we are created beings whose first obligation is obedience to our creator rather than self realisation or self gratification. The information contained in this website is an exploration of the intellectual justification for such a change and some tentative thoughts concerning the implications of such a change