1. Welcome Committee for new owners

  2. Grounds and Maintenance Committee member

  3. Swimming Pool - anyone who can help - lots of little jobs like managing the keys

  4. Security Camera/System Coordinator (Help owners set up and maintain units similar to pool house system. )

  5. Website coordinator (initial entry and/or updating - it's easy!)

  6. Picnic coordinator

7. Maintenance of flowerbeds. (Cedar and Robin Courts)

8. Annual Meeting Committee

9. Help hand out flyers and Updates

10. Clean-up of litter - organizer or helper

11. Paving committee for Robin

12. Document Committee

13. Patio step coordinator (the wood floating steps)

14, Fence Committee

15. Compliance Committee

16. Board member-Secretary

17. Investigate stains for the faded siding

18. Annual Budget Committee

19. Assistant to the Treasurer, some accounting background helpful

20. Electic car charging stations, planning committee

21. Safety Committee

22. Community Advocate, follow city planning and Granville Advisory Committee meetings, and organize responses to unwelcome developments

Ask a board member about ways to help. There are many, many small jobs that could be spread around to lighten the load.


Board of Directors

President Dan Ogens

Vice President Sharon Ebel

Treasurer Dorothy Johnson

Secretary Vacant

At Large Scott Hicks

At Large Jim Cormany

At Large Jim Lemke

At Large Donna Yelvington


Budget Vacant

Communications Kathy Cormany

Compliance Vacant

Finance & Insurance Scott Hicks

Governing Documents Vacant

Grounds & Maintenance Vacant-we need several members, this isn't a one person job!

Landscape Committee Vacant, this is for planning and budgeting

Welcoming Vacant