CONTACT Info & Links

Woodlake Board of Directors  2023-2024

Property Management 

INSURANCE VERIFICATION FOR MORTGAGES: If your mortgage holder asks for proof of association insurance, please send certificate requests to   and provide email address when available .  They will send you what is needed.


Each court has a captain(s) with information on procedures, projects, parking, non-emergency concerns, and so forth. They will welcome new owners and generally keep an eye out on the court.  People who live in a court are the ones who know it best. If you have a question or concern, contact your court captain first.

City of Milwaukee 

Garbage and Recycle Information and Dates:  

Click for action to report a problem to the city.  For dumped items like tires go to click for action at    And scroll down to appropriate section.  Or call 414-286-2489.   The City has a great app, MKW Mobile Action, that makes reporting very easy.

Report dumping and get cash reward: 

Police Department District 4 

Non-emergency number  (414) 933-4444  for reporting illegal activity

State and City Contacts.docx