What is Medical Abortion?

Medical abortion is commonly known as medication abortion, it is medically prescribed medications that help to terminate early pregnancy. This medication process consists of a sequence of medicine with mifepristone followed by misoprostol is the most common way of abortion. This way for abortion is estimated as both safe and effective during a range of gestational ages. If mifepristone is not available then alone misoprostol may be used. Medical abortion is much safer and easier than Early Surgical Abortion. In this article, we discuss what medical abortion is.

When Medical Abortion is used?

A medical expert must verify that a woman is pregnant and learn how long she has been pregnant before any abortion can be done. The number of days that have passed from the first day of the woman's last menstrual period is known as the length of pregnancy. When early pregnancy is verified then medical abortions can be provided. The medication works properly as early as a women use this according to their early time of pregnancy. Medical abortion is not a common way after nine weeks of pregnancy, after that a surgical way of abortion is a more reliable and best option.

How these Medications Work?

Mifepristone the abortion pill is also commonly known as RU-486 is a medication that approved by the best medicine for early abortion. This is the most commonly used medicine for terminating early unwanted pregnancies. Mifepristone works as blocking the hormone progesterone which is required to maintain an early pregnancy. The lining of the uterus breaks down without these hormones and it helps to open the uterus and through bleeding the fertility is executed.

Methotrexate is another pill that uses is to end unintended pregnancies, although the FDA did not admit it for termination of pregnancy purposes. But some clinics provide methotrexate for early abortion. This medication is normally transmitted to early pregnant women in the form of injection, it can also be taken orally. Methotrexate helps to stop the ongoing implantation process that happens during the first several weeks after fertilization.

After taking either mifepristone or methotrexate, within few days second drug misoprostol is taken. These tablets may place either in the vagina, between cheek and gum, or can be swallowed, it causes the uterus to decrease and empty. This is the end process of pregnancy.

Mifepristone and methotrexate will have slightly different effects on a woman’s body as they work in individual ways. A healthcare provider can support a woman select whether medically caused abortion is the right option for her, and which of the two drugs she should use.

How Long Do Medical Abortions Take?

A medical abortion can take 3 to 4 weeks from the time women take the first medication till the abortions compete. This length of time depends on which medicine is select by a patient and when misoprostol is used. To complete abortion usually happens quickly with mifepristone as related to methotrexate. Most women who take mifepristone will stop the pregnancy within few hours of using misoprostol. With the use of methotrexate, most women will abort within 2 weeks of taking the first medication. In some cases, it will take time and may use additional doses of misoprostol.

During and After a Medical Abortion

After using the first drug some women will have to face vaginal bleeding, this bleeding may be light or it may heavy period. Cramping and bleeding normally start within few hours or it may take time after taking the misoprostol, it may be more than with a normal menstrual period. Verbal guidelines are given to all patent to assist them to know what to require, and when they can consult the clinic for further evaluation.

Misoprostol is caused by the common side effects of medical abortion. Early side effects may have headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, chills, or weakness in addition to cramps and bleeding. If a woman feels flu-like signs or gastric pain more than 24 hours after using misoprostol, she is recommended to call the hospital.

Maximum women become cramps for many hours, and many claim blood clots as they are miscarrying, some are may see the grayish gestational sac. But the embryo will probably not be recognized among the blood clots. The size of the embryo will be about one-fifth of an inch at 49 days of LMP, in an earlier pregnancy, it may be very smaller than that. Cramps and bleeding usually begin to release after the early tissue has been passed, but bleeding may continue for one to two weeks later medical abortion.

Final Words

Today medical abortion is one of the most popular and most secure medical procedures. A woman can easily abort her early pregnancy by medical abortion way, but Abortion Pill 14 weeks later is not safer. If someone has 14-week pregnancy she must follow the health care provider.