Understand a Medical Abortion

Abortion Pill

There are mainly two types of abortion available, medical abortion/ pill abortion and surgical abortion. Abortion Pill involves taking two types of medication and it helps to terminate an early pregnancy in a few days after taking medication. The combined use of these two medications increases the effectiveness of the abortion and can decrease the term of side effects. You should never purchase these medications online or on any black market, you can easily get these through doctors and approved clinics that provide abortion services.

Suitable For the Abortion Pill

For women who want to terminate their pregnancy, medical abortion is most helpful for those who are under ten-week pregnancy, after ten-week of pregnancy it’s better to select surgically abortion. Those who are pre-existing medical condition they may not suitable to take these pills. Here is a list of those who are not eligible for the abortion pill.

  • Those who are not ready to have a surgical abortion if the medical pill is not effective.

  • Those who have an ectopic pregnancy or blocks on their ovaries.

  • Women who have long term corticosteroids

  • If have any genetic diseases

  • If the patient is not ready to get the procedure or how to follow the way of medications.

  • Those who do not have a way to developing medical procedures and facilities.

  • Those who have a molar pregnancy in which the placenta develops abnormally.

  • Those women who have problems like heart, kidney, or liver.

  • Patient with difficult adrenal gland problems

  • Who recently have an IUD

  • Those who are bleeding disorder or taking anti-clotting medications.


Medical abortion is very effective, the combined use of misoprostol and mifepristone has a 98% effectiveness rate. The duration of the pregnancy, the medication treatments and performance, and whether or not a woman has been pregnant previously may affect the effectiveness. The effectiveness decreases for each further week of pregnancy.

When this effectiveness rate is critical, a medical abortion can fail to abort a pregnancy. In these cases, a woman would require to then go for a surgical abortion.

How it works?

If are taking both medicines in the process of medical abortion, they will work mutually to stop a pregnancy. As the first pill mifepristone will be taken, it helps to block progesterone and making the lining of the uterus break down to terminate the pregnancy. After one or two days of getting the first pill, you will take the second pill known as misoprostol, that will helps the uterus shrink and suspend embryo and uterine lining.

Side Effects and its Recovery

People who go through a medical abortion usually having to bleed and cramping that can continue for two weeks after the procedure. Also passing blood clots, and other normal side effects like nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, and headache are shown after this process. In some cases, women will abort from a few hours to a day or two days after taking the second pill, it's normal to feel light bleeding, spotting, and cramping for up to a few weeks of medical abortion. After a medical abortion almost quickly you can get pregnant if you don't take any precautions.

Pros and cons of the abortion pill

There are two processes to have an abortion, medical abortion and another one is surgical abortion. In both processes are have some advantages and disadvantages. Advantages of medical abortion are;

  • Medical abortion is an easy process for early abortion means before 10 weeks of pregnancy.

  • No need of anesthesia

  • This process is less painful than a surgical abortion

  • Some women feel that it's more natural as like miscarriage.

  • Medical abortions don’t take the same prospects of uterine break.

  • Medical abortion usually costs less than surgical abortion.

Abortion Pill also has some disadvantages;

  • Abortion pills are not 100 percent effective, failed medical abortions need to undergo surgical abortions, and can occur in infections.

  • Bleeding and cramping may last extended than with a surgical abortion.

  • In this process, it may expect more than one visit to the doctor’s office.

  • Medical abortion cannot stop a tubal or ectopic pregnancy.

You must discuss with your doctor before you select any process for abortion.

What to Do After Taking the Pill

In most cases, you will get the first pill in front of your doctor at your first meeting, then you may return to your doctor for the second medication between one and three days next. You may feel signs like bleeding and cramping for two to four weeks. Your doctor will suggest a follow-up appointment with you to examine for pregnancy at the end of this time structure to assure that your pregnancy will no longer continue.

Wait at least one week to have sex even your doctor also directed for antibiotics after taking the abortion pill. When you go for sex use contraception instantly as you can get pregnant very soon after an abortion.

Final Words

When you go to plan your abortion then you must discuss it with your healthcare advisor and also you should be mentally prepared for your decision. If you have any query about your abortion then you can contact Abortion Clinic Tampa , to get the best results.