The Timeline of an Abortion

Early Surgical Abortion

According to the Center for Disease Control, every year most women choose to have an abortion. More than half of the whole numbers of women who have received an abortion are previously mothers. Still, abortion can usually feel like a secluded and difficult decision. In this article, we learn about Early Surgical Abortion and medical abortion according to your gestational age.

How Early Can You Get an Abortion?

The earliest abortions are conducted at four to six weeks of pregnancy, commonly when women start to feel symptoms of pregnancy, with a missed period being the first sign of pregnancy. An ultrasound test will occur to confirm that you are pregnant and examine the age of gestational. This can also help you to choose which process is safe for your abortion. There is a chance of medical abortion if you are under ten weeks pregnant. Most women suggested medical abortion rather than surgical abortion because maximum abortions are held within the first twelve weeks of pregnancy. Early Surgical Abortion at 4 weeks is also the safest way to terminate your pregnancy.

How Late Can You Make an Abortion?

In the different states, it varies that how late a woman can get an abortion. But up to 24 weeks, a woman can adopt a safe abortion to terminate her pregnancy. In many states, this is illegal to do an abortion, except the mother has any medical risk or the fetus is no longer counted viable due to some form of complication or deformation. Usually, it’s not preferred by most women, so late abortions are an option. Only a few percent of women have an abortion conducted after 21 weeks, and 7.1% of abortions occur between 14-20 weeks. It is not a decision most women or doctors make considering the chance for difficulties becomes greater. While, if medically required then abortions this late are acceptable in maximum states. For a late abortion, a surgical process will require that doesn’t require any surgeries and hardly takes ten minutes to complete abortion.

The First Trimester between 1-12 Weeks

The first sign of pregnancy is a missed period, and this may happen at early as one week from fertilization and usually within four weeks. It may take some time to choose to terminate your pregnancy. But if this is not the problem, you can attempt an abortion once the pregnancy is approved. The earlier your abortion is obtained; it is more comfortable, safer, and more cost-effective . Medical abortion is one of the safest processes for abortion. It is a more effective and easy way to terminate an early pregnancy. You will obtain abortion pills while your examination with guidance on how to use them.

Second Trimester between 13 to 27 Weeks

Most abortions may be performed in the first trimester, but there are still lots of women trying this service in the second and for many reasons. In many states, limitations are imposed, and also a lack of facilities available. Many women attempting abortion in the state may shift the date when they can get an abortion in their second trimester.

If a woman is in danger from something such as hypertension, which can grow determined to the point of producing a heart attack, an abortion may be recommended by a doctor. Though the second trimester serves up to 27 weeks, the period in which an abortion is an option is up to 24 weeks, except medically required.

A surgical abortion will be chosen in the second trimester because medical abortion no longer a much effective method of abortion at the stage of growth. At the earlier stages of the second trimester, Aspiration will possibly be the preferred method.

Third Trimester 28 Weeks to Birth

It is illegal in most states to carry out an abortion in the third trimester. It is acceptable to abort in the third trimester if it shows difficulties to the mother. Hypertension may be a common reason, but other medical difficulties may bring about the necessity for an abortion at this step, such as the growth of cancer. If the mother contracts cancer and can’t receive medication unless an abortion is performed, it is considered acceptable by law in most states.

Final Words

Abortion at late-term may look unusual from a medical abortion in the early steps of pregnancy. But in almost every stage, abortions are a secure and effective way to terminate a pregnancy for any purpose. When you go for the First Trimester Surgical abortion, you must contact a professional doctor who can guide you properly.