What Are the Risks and Concerns of the Dilation and Evacuation Process?

Different types of abortions processes are done in clinics or hospitals. The process you get will depend almost only on how far you are along in your pregnancy. For every manner of abortion, the Induction of second trimester abortion is the safest decision. But if you have 14 to 16 weeks of pregnancy, you’ll likely have a dilation and evacuation process to stop your pregnancy. In this process, a doctor removes the fetal tissues manually by using some medical tools. Let's discuss the dilation and evacuation process of abortion.

Dilation and Evacuation

At the age of 13 to 14 weeks gestation, the fetus is too large to be split up by suction and will not pass within the suction tubing. The opening to the uterus must be more opened than in a first-trimester abortion. This is normally performed by injecting an acceptable material that expands with moisture to open and relax the cervix a day or two before the abortion. The surgeon then expands the cervix and dismembers the body, then breaks the skull to promote elimination.

Risks and Concerns

When the cervix is not open enough from the laminaria, it will manually force using metal expanding rods. There is a probability that the cervix may be cut, split, or injured, appearing in unnecessary bleeding that needs operational improvement.

Most women encounter some pain that will need a pain-killer either sectionally by shots in the area of the cervix, or by common anesthesia. Difficulties from usual anesthesia applied while abortion operation may occur in disturbances, heart attack, and in advanced cases, death. It also develops the risk of other dangerous difficulties.

The process involves the aspiration method where the fetus is suctioned out of the uterus, for up to 16 weeks. Any active fetal parts are removed with forceps and, if necessary, a curette to scour out any leftover tissue.

There is a chance that the uterus and nearby organs like the bladder may split by the abortion tools. Break of the uterus may occur in an operation that could involve the replacement of the uterus.

Difficulties occurring in a corrupted cervix or perforated uterus are unique but contact your doctor if you have any indications of fever, pain, heavy bleeding, or blood clots, uterine tenderness, or smelling discharge from the vagina.

At 16 weeks of pregnancy, many of the methods are implemented employing forceps to separate the fetus in parts due to the fetus’ dimension. To assure none are left inside, the doctor keeps track of all fetal body parts. A curette and suction are employed to eliminate any remaining tissue or blood clots since they can cause infection and bleeding if left inside.

There are some physical risks of second-trimester surgical abortion includes

  • preserved tissue with the placenta,

  • Uterine perforation causing severe pain and blood loss, as a conclusion, a major operation may be needed for surgery, including a potential hysterectomy.

  • Cervical injury, aperture, and massive bleeding with infection

Final Words

Some possible risks occurred in the late abortion process. You must contact your doctor if you feel any serious problems after your abortion. The surgical method at Second-trimester abortion price may be high but it is a safe and most active way.