The next Williamsburg City Council Meetings are August 5th and 8th

August 5th @ 4pm - Stryker Center 412 N. Boundary St.

August 8th @ 8pm- Stryker Center 412 N. Boundary St.

Send a letter to the County and City Leaders via Action Network now!

The split hurts students

“[If] an elementary student with autism whose IEP indicates level II services and their LRE is a self-contained class, there is currently no such program at the only elementary school in the City of Williamsburg (Matthew Whaley Elementary School) Even if such a program were to exist, if the program is at maximum capacity when a newly identified or transfer student enrolls and requires that placement, the division will need to find a way to meet that students’ needs, most likely at further expense to the division.”[1]

High costs, poor results

“Research finds that divisions achieve most of their efficiency gains when they have at least 2,000 students. Virginia’s SOQ formula provides no additional funds to small divisions to account for their higher per student costs. Research literature shows that small school divisions with less than 2,000 students tend to spend more per student than larger divisions, after accounting for differences in cost of labor (figure). Even though small divisions spend more per student, (i) a smaller portion of their total spending is on instruction, and (ii) a greater portion is on fixed, non-instructional expenses such as transportation, administration, and facilities.Small school divisions also need to employ more staff per student because of the need to offer a broad range of classes but with fewer students per class.”[8]

[1] Research & Feasibility Study, page 186

[2] Creating a Separate PK-12 School Division, page 13 -

[3] Williamsburg City Council Meeting June 8, 2023 -


[5] Research & Feasibility Study on the Creation of a City of Williamsburg Independent School Division, page 98  -

[6] Research & Feasibility Study, pages 41-54

[7] “How School Districts Impact Your Home’s Value” Howard Hanna-

[8] 2023 JLARC Summary: Virginia’s K–12 Funding Formula -