Have a question or concern for the WJCEA Executive Board?

Email the Executive Board and one of the members will get back to you as soon we are able.

Have a question or concern for the WJCEA Executive Board, but don't feel comfortable or safe sharing your name? 

The more information we have about you and your concerns, the better we can help you! But we understand that there are certain circumstances under which you might not feel comfortable sharing your name or email. Use this form to submit any question or concern anonymously. Please note that we will not be able to follow-up on your concern if we do not have your contact information.

Need to change your address? Need legal support? 

VEA Consists of 133 Associations that Provide Support to Members. We are part of District P and are supported by Colonial Uniserv. Our Uniserv Directors work with members who need additional support. Please contact WJCEA's executive board to file an intake request with our front office Secretary.