The Beat Hotel, Paris

Post date: 24-Apr-2021 17:36:56

The Beat Hotel (9 Rue Git-le-Coeur, Paris) Where William Burroughs, Allen Ginsburg, Gregory Corso, and other beats lived in the laste 50s early 60s, and where Burroughs wrote The Naked Lunch.

This was what the bar at the entrance was like around 1961

Tony Barnett visits the Beat Hotel recently (now posh and expensive, no longer a cheap fleabag hotel!). As chronicled in Barry Miles' book.

Famous work composed there: The Naked Lunch

This is what the first edition of Naked Lunch looks like. A web search reveals about 20 different covers for subsequent editions and reprintings. Ironically the Grove press first edition costs more than this Traveller's Companion edition, even though it precedes the Grove Press edition by years. (I think the Americans are unaware of what goes on in the rest of the world - or discount it!)

This the original book with its dust jacket on, drawing by Brion Gysin.