Hampstead Youth Politics - some recollections

Post date: 30-Mar-2020 18:31:36

I remember the Hampstead YCND being started up by a girl called Jo Crozier in Downshire Hill. I went to one of the first meetings at her house along with Andrew Moss and Joe Whittaker. Gradually the Hampstead branch got bigger and bigger and moved its meetings to a large basement in a house in Broadhurst Gardens. According to Marco Goldschmidt who later became one of the organisers, at its height the branch had over 200 members, nearly all local teenagers. Quite a few were also members of the Hampstead branch of the Young Socialists (Labour Party) while the more hard core political enthusiasts joined the YCL - Young Communist League - which had scores of young Hampstead members in those days. They had meetings about dialectical materialism and wore big army boots (pre-DMs).

The AA - Anti Apartheid movement - was also an important local political organisation. I recall picketing outside Lord’s while South Africa were playing a test match along with just 4 or 5 others including John Rush from WE. Sandra Naidu whose family, like many in Hampstead, were refugees from South Africa, was one of the main organisers of the Hampstead branch. Joe, Andrew and myself were also stewards for the radical MCF - Movement for Colonial Freedom - which was often in confrontation with the League of Empire Loyalists.

Joe Whittaker was was arrested at the first Committee of 100 demo which followed the Aldermaston marches and was put into Wormwood Scrubs for the night where he had his long hair cut off. At WE the headmaster Sidney Baxter was so opposed to his activities, along with other sixth formers such as Sean Sayers, that he reported them to MI5. A year or so later another boy (not to be named) sold all the guns from the school CCF store to the local IRA and arranged for them to come and steal them one night, causing an outrage at the time.

John Maizels

Quite a few of the Witches crowd were involved in this radical politics at the time. I served as barman at the Hampstead Young Socialists branch, Broadhurst Gardens, dispensing cider from a keg. As I recall I was helped to my nearby home in Frognal many evenings, and indeed needed the help! Saturday would regularly find us protesting about nuclear weapons or apartheid, and sometimes arguing with members of the League of Empire Loyalists, a fascist group that preceded the British National Party. I was a steward on a Committee of 100 (an anti nuclear group without a unique leader) sit-down in Whitehall, but avoided arrest. As an alien I was keen to avoid any criminal record. Many of my friends and fellow students were also involved in all of these protests.

I went on four Aldermaston marches with the Hampstead Youth CND 1960-1963, and staggered home with huge blisters on my feet in 1960. I was a baggage steward travelling with the baggage in 1962 & 1963, with many others from Hampstead and the Witches set. However my recollections are not intended to detract to our really heartfelt commitment! Youthful idealism is a wonderful thing - we really cared about making the world a better place! Many of us still do!

Paul Ernest

The emblematic Ban the Bomb and Anti Apartheid badges that we wore, and that headmaster Sid Baxter banned at William Ellis School (see seperate page)

Some photos of our political protests, marches etc are shown below, mostly down to Peter Sayers photo archives. Here's one of Mike Lesser involved in a court action (LHS facing camera and holding papers). Mike is said to have been the youngest person arrested on the first Committee of 100 sit-down protest in Whitehall. (See Mike Lesser page.)

Mike Lesser outside court

Rab, Bernard Rosen, Peter Clegg, George Widener, John Maizels, Sean Sayers, Peter Jeffries on 1961 anti-polaris missle demo

Robert Tresman (flag), then R to L, Mary Wallis-Jones, Robert ?, Misha Norland, Gabi Weismann just behind him on a 1961 demo

Is that Clare Swingler on the left, with friend? Followed by Henry Jacobsen, Robert Tresman, and Misha Norlan with a Bobby right over his shoulder

Anti-Apartheid demo around 1960: Front Sean Sayers, Andrew Moss, John Rush, Peter Jeffreys, Jonathon Steele just above Sean

CND March with loads of us including Paul Ernest, Tony Jackson, Peter Jaffe, Steve Goldblatt

Hampstead Youth CND March around 1961, including Henry Jacobsen, next to holding Robert Tresman (banner), Rab (college scarfe)

Demo, possibly Aldermaston March 1960, with Sean Sayers at left.

1960, John Maizels, Gwyn Vorhaus

1961, Andrew Moss

1960, Pete Jeffries, John Maizels, Gwyn Vorhaus. The earlier picture is a detail of this one

1961, Committee of 100 Sit Down Demo, Whitehall. No, I don't know who is ringed either! Jo Whittaker? A later pic shows him being dragged off

1961, L to R Jonathon Steele, Steve Goldblatt (?), Gabi Weissman, Rab and me (PE)? on Aldermaston March or equivalent protest

1960, Pete Jeffries, Gwyn Vorhaus

1961, Aldermaston March

1961,Hampstead CND, Suniti Nandi (stripes), Jane Whitman (poncho)

1961, Joe Whittaker arrest on Committee of 100 Sit Down Demo, Whitehall

1961, Jonathan Steele, Gabi Weissman, Rab

1961, Robert Tresmond, Jonathan Steel looking very simian! After completing a 4 year philosophy degree at Keele Jonathon hung around London a couple of years and then he and his family vanished forever. Rumour has it they emigrated to Israel.

1961, Jonathan Steel carrying bannert

1961, Peter Sayers, Trafalgar Square

1961, Sally, Aldermaston march arrives in London

1962, Joe Whittaker arrest, Andrew Moss seated, Committee of 100 Sit Down Demo, WhitehallComm 100

1962, Police line on Committee of 100 Demo. I can't quite see who is indicated - could it be Sean Sayers?

1962, Rab on Committee of 100 Demo

1962, Jacky, Roger Silverman, Gabi Weissman

1962, Andrew Moss on Sit down demo

1962, Jonathon Steele, Sally on Sit down demo

1963, John Maizels in Trafalgar Square

1961, Gabi Weissman on Aldermaston march

1961, Sally on the Aldermaston March

1962, Steve Moss, Richard StJohn (front), Steve Duchin

1961, Peter Sayers on the Aldermaston March

Typical Hampstead CND demo - can you name anyone? Tony reckons it is Gina Strauss with dark hair in the middle