WISH Holistics

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a Japanese form of gentle energy healing. It channels positive energy into your body to promote and encourage relaxation, stress reduction and the body's own ability to heal. Reiki addresses energetic imbalances in the body.

Reiki is pronounced (Ray - Key). Rei - meaning "universal" and Ki - meaning "life energy". Its like the Energetic circulatory system of the body.

You might already be familiar with the concept of life force energy.

  • in Yoga it is referred to as "Prana"

  • Chinese - Chi (Tai-chi) or Qi (Qi-gong)

  • In Japanese it is referred to as "Ki" (Rei Ki)

These are all different terms for the same thing we feel universally, regardless of cultural or any religious background: energy.

Reiki practitioners are trained to channel life force energy to a client by means of light touch, or hovering of their hands to activate the natural healing processes of the body. Reiki works on all levels, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually and always for the highest good of the receiver.

The beauty of Reiki is that it is non-invasive, painless and enhances the body’s own natural ability to heal itself. It helps balance chakras leaving you feeling calm and grounded.

A session is pleasant and relaxing and is often utilized for one’s personal wellness in compliment with other holistic modalities such as Reflexology, yoga and mediation etc.

What to expect

In-Person Session

A typical IN-Person reiki session is between 30 and 45 minutes. At your first appointment, you’ll meet with me and we will have a short introduction or chat about the process and your expectations or intentions. Let me know about any symptoms you want addressed or if there are places in the body on which you’d like me to focus. Also, let me know if you have any injuries or places that are sensitive to touch, otherwise we simply let the Reiki guide the healing.

You’ll remain fully clothed and lie down on a treatment table. You will be covered in blankets to ensure you are comfortable throughout the treatment session. Soft, relaxing music will be playing in the background. For the most part there won’t be any talking during the session, but you can feel free to let me know if there’s something you need to feel more comfortable or to share what you’re experiencing.

We will begin with a few deep breaths and giving the mind permission to let go of anything we might be holding onto at the moment that is no longer serving us, and invite our body to be in the present. To set an intention for the session and take comfort in that whatever experiences arise, are exactly as they should be.

I will be assessing your chakras and during the treatment I will lightly place my hands either directly on you or just above you, moving around your whole body. You simply need to do nothing other than relax, breathe and invite your body to receive. If sleep calls to you, simply let that happen.

Everyone has a different experience, you may experience sensations in the body such as temperature change or tingling. You may see colours or pictures, or you may not experience anything other than relaxation. Your individual experience will be exactly as it should for you.

The goal is to relax the body, as when your body is relaxed your body can heal.

Distance Sessions?

Everything and everyone is made up of energy. And energy is not confined or limited by distance or time. Therefore, Reiki distance healing is performed on someone who is not physically present. Having this session done from a distance in no way lessens the effectiveness of the treatment. Distance Reiki is one of many ways to link to and channel this energy for the healing benefit of others.

It is just as powerful as having a one-on-one session. Distant healings are ideal for those who don’t live in a reasonable distance from a practitioner, people who don’t have the means to travel to and from a healers office, or if you don’t particularly like someone touching you, a distance healer can provide the same benefit without the need to physically touch. Don’t be surprised if it becomes your preferred method of healing!

A specific time and duration is scheduled when the session is to happen. And you will rest or get comfortable at your home, sitting or lying down. You may chose to play soft music, cover yourself with a blanket, anything to be comfortable, relaxed and ready to invite the healing. Reiki energy will be directed in the areas of your body, aura and mind that needs help, all without having to leave the comfort of your home. You don't need a specific reason to have a session, the Reiki Energy will work on all levels, spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically and will always work for the highest good of what is needed in that time.

Reiki benefits...

  • Increase or introduce the flow of Universal life force energy

  • Accessible to anyone and everyone

  • It is all positive, healing energy only, there are no negative side effects

  • Complementary to all other medicines/modalities

  • Stress relief

  • Pain reduction

  • Help with a healing process after surgery

  • Concentration and focus on your task

  • Self Care

  • Sleeping aid – self healing helps you to fall asleep easier

  • Brings peace and serenity

  • Reduces anxiety

  • Helpful in palliative care

  • Helpful for students studying for exams

  • Encourages the feeling of oneness

  • Useful for chakra balancing and chakra healing

You can be creative with Reiki, combine different healing modalities with Reiki and use what you think will be best for you and your highest good.

The 9 Chakras

Don't worry, you don't need to know anything about Chakras. Just take away from this that you have energy centers within the body, and some of the treatments I offer help to balance and align those energy centers. If you do want some more information as to what each energy center represents in the body - read below.

The 9 Chakras I work with...

The human body has several energy centers called chakras. You may have heard of the core 7. In healing sessions with me, I work with 9 chakras.

When these energy centers are healthy and open, so are we–physically, emotionally, mentally and in our relationships with ourselves and others. When we are feeling good, relaxed and happy in the world then our energy is flowing, we feel like we are in the flow. However if we’re feeling depressed, anxious, stressed, etc. then our energy will be depleted and our level of vitality may be affected also.

But when they are blocked through injury, illness, or disconnection from others, we are blocked from being our best selves and can feel frustrated, stuck and lack of vitality. A ‘block’ is a place where energy is trapped or constricted. In dealing with a block, you need to get the energy moving which is what Reiki does. When energy flows through the whole body it creates harmony and releases imbalances. Reiki assists to bring the chakras into alignment and balance.

In fact, one of the most effective ways to relieve the symptoms of blocked chakras is through the powerful practice of Reiki. And to amplify that effectiveness I incorporate crystals into our sessions as well, bringing in the healing properties of the crystals.

When reiki is targeted to the chakras, the main energy centers of the body that line up along the spine, it can be incredibly valuable for opening and balancing the energy chakras. Our bodies are in constant flux between balance and imbalance. Balance is not static, it is constantly moving. Awareness is the starting point as once you bring awareness to your body/mind, you can start to learn its signals and clues. You begin to listen to your body on all levels as your guide.

Earth Star Chakra

One of the chakras I always work with when aligning the energy centers is the Earth Star Chakra.

The Earth Star (ES) chakra is not located in the physical body like most of the other chakras are, yet it still can have significant effects on day-to-day life.⁠ This chakra is located about twelve inches below the feet and one of its most important features are its rooting and grounding properties. While it would seem like the root chakra already has this covered (as it largely does), the earth star chakra goes a little further to be the anchor of the whole chakra system, especially of those seven main chakras.⁠ ⁠ The earth star chakra connects one’s personal energy (and thereby all one’s bodily chakras) to the greater earthly and universal energies. This connection allows for feelings of grounding, stability, and wellbeing.⁠

1. Root Chakra

The ‘root chakra’ is located at the base of the spine and forms our foundation. It represents the element earth and is related to issues surrounding identity, and our survival instincts (food, shelter and protection). It stimulates the urge for us to take care of and stand up for ourselves, in order to stay alive. It appeals to our sense of grounding and connection to our physical bodies and physical world. Ideally this chakra brings us security and presence in the here and now. It manifests for us what we need in order to survive. It grounds our spirit into the material world.

When this chakra is imbalanced, there are fears around personal and financial security. Physical signs of imbalance include chronic lower back pain and problems with the groin, hips, legs, knees, calves, ankles, and feet. When reiki is performed at the root chakra, it can help give the sense that we are grounded and supported.

"I Am" Affirmations to open this chakra - I am safe, I am grounded, I am worthy, I am supported, I am open to possibilities

Beets, Parsnip, Apples, Pomegranates, Protein

Fear is one of the core energies that affect the root chakra when it is in disharmony.

2. Sacral Chakra

The ‘sacral chakra’ is located in the abdomen, lower back, and sexual organs about 1 to 2 inches below the navel. It relates to the water element and our emotions and sexuality. Its main function is to provide a sense of self – our inner self/inner child. It is the source of creativity and inspiration. This chakra controls our appetite for sensation, be it through sound, smell, taste, touch or sight.

When this chakra is imbalanced, there may lower back, pelvic, or hip problems. Reiki can help bring deeply suppressed emotions (especially anger) to the surface and allow us to start to, fully heal.

"I Feel" Affirmations to open this chakra - I am creative and courageous, I direct my path, I forgive the past, I embrace all emotions

Seeds, Nuts, Oranges, Carrots, Pumpkins

Anger and Guilt are some of the core energies that affect the sacral chakra when it is in disharmony.

3. Solar Plexus

The ‘solar plexus’ chakra is known as the ‘power chakra’, located at the solar plexus 1 to 2 inches above the navel. Its main function is to supply energy in the form of heat, power and enthusiasm. It rules our consciousness of decision, creative expression, personal power, will and autonomy, as well as our metabolism. When in balance we have healthy self esteem, confidence, self worth and are able to make decisions in alignment with ourselves.

Physical imbalances may manifest as fatigue or indigestion. When reiki is performed and these blockages are lifted, it clears the way for us to take more targeted action in our lives.

"I Do" Affirmations to open this chakra - I release all negativity and ego, I love and accept myself, I surrender to my highest purpose

Yellow Peppers, Yellow Lentils, Yellow Squash, Oats, Bananas

Shame is one of the core energies that affect the solar plexus when it is in disharmony.

4. Heart Chakra

The ‘heart chakra’ is located at the center of your chest. It is related to love and compassion and speaks to how we feel and express love. The chakra connects the lower ego/physical self to the higher soul/spiritual self.

When it is imbalanced, we may feel lonely, disconnected from ourselves and others, and resentful. Reiki can help make us more compassionate and open to accepting love from others.

"I Love" Affirmations to open this chakra - I deeply love and accept myself, I forgive my past and myself, I accept things as they are, I am love

Broccoli, Kale, Chard, All green leafy veggies

Grief is one of the core energies that affect the heart chakra when it is in disharmony.

5. Throat Chakra

This is the chakra located at the throat and is related to communication, self expression and creativity. It allows for free communication helping us feel centered and happy. It also helps us while we are meditating to connect with our higher guidance.

Physical manifestation of this chakra's imbalances can include thyroid problems, TMJ, or sore throat. Emotionally, someone with a blocked throat chakra may be afraid of silence or fearful of being judged and rejected. When reiki is performed to help clear this chakra, we become better able to express ourselves and give word to our dreams.

"I Speak" Affirmations to open this chakra - I am honest with myself and others, I speak my truth, I care for my physical body

Blueberries, Figs, Kelp

Dishonesty is one of the core energies that affect the throat chakra when it is in disharmony.

6. Third Eye

This chakra is known as the brow chakra or ‘third eye’ center. It is located slightly above and between the eye brows. Its main function is the center of inner vision. This chakra is the place of intuition and soul knowledge. When in balance it allows us to have insight and knowledge. It teach us the power of the mind, to help us ‘dream big’ and create our desired reality.

When this chakra is imbalanced, we may find it difficult to trust our insights or intuition. Reiki can help unblock this chakra and allow us to home in on the power of our inner knowing.

"I See" Affirmations to open this chakra - I am intuitive, I am open to wisdom and guidance, I learn from the past, I trust I am supported, I am peaceful

Blackberries, Plums, Purple Grapes

Illusion is one of the core energies that affect the third eye chakra when it is in disharmony.

7. Crown Chakra

The ‘crown chakra’ located at the top of the head, relates to consciousness as pure awareness. This is our connection to the Universe, our spirituality and divine guidance. When balanced and developed this chakra brings us knowledge, wisdom, understanding, spiritual connection, & harmony. It awakens us to the fact that we are all divine beings and connects us to the divine / Universe.

When reiki is performed to open the crown, it can lead to a powerful sense of trust, safety, and oneness with the world.

"I Understand" Affirmations to open this chakra - I honour the divine within me, I cherish my spirit, I trust the process, I let go of attachment, I live in the present.

Fresh air, sunlight, Nature

Attachment is one of the core energies that affect the crown chakra when it is in disharmony.

Soul Star Chakra

⁠The Soul Star chakra (SS) is ⁠located approximately six inches above your head and connects you with your spirit & higher self. It is known as the 'seat of the soul'. It resides within your auric field and is connected to your other chakras. Activating this chakra will acts as a potent chakra balancing tool. And Because your soul star chakra is connected to your higher self it is also connected to the light of the universe. This powerful energy can keep your crown chakra open and healthy along with all of your other chakras.⁠


Did you know that some of our Reiki and Blended sessions that include Reiki - also include Crystals for Healing?

These are the crystals I incorporate into some of my sessions and their healing properties.


Calming, soothing and cleansing. Relieves muscle tensions, enhances communication, absorbs and disburses negative energies, brings emotional balance.

You will often find me using this crystal on the Throat and Heart chakras


Cleanses, energizes, soothes inflammation, Recharges, Digestive health

You will often find me using this crystal on the Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras


Cleanses and purifies. Supports sleep, alleviate depression and insomnia, enhance meditation, cleanse the blood, support physical health, and promote spiritual wisdom. It also protects against negative and psychic attack from outside influences. Inner Wisdom.

You will often find me using this crystal on the Third eye and Crown chakras


Cleanses & purifies, removes blockages, Abundance, positivity, Health

This crystal is an amazing healer on the Sacral, Solar Plexus, Third eye and Crown chakras



Brings a deeply peaceful energy to your healing sessions. Stabilize and balance the emotions, cooling emotional outbursts and bringing a feeling of balance and harmony. Sooths emotional pain, reduces fever, alleviates inflammation, heart, lungs, adrenals.

You will often find me using this crystal on the Heart chakra



Helps you become present, enhances feelings of happiness, joy, optimism and contentment. Promotes Relaxation, aids in decision making, promotes celebration and appreciation of your relationships. Enhances confidence and instills feelings of courage and bravery.

This crystal is amazing and healing on ANY of the chakras


Cleanses and detoxifies. Unblocks, grounds and stabilizes. Emotional balance heals immune and circulatory systems. with physical and energetic detoxification and stimulates the immune and circulatory systems. It cleanses and realigns the lower chakras.

You will often find me using this crystal on the Root, Sacral and Heart chakras

Calcite (Blue)

Soothing & relaxing the emotional body and nerves, Protection to the Aura, Filters out negative vibrations and transmutes them back into high positive energy. Opens a stronger communication channel between your thoughts and feelings.

You will often find me using this crystal on the Throat chakra



Increase feelings of self-worth, confidence, courage and assists us to overcome obstacles. Clearing of negative energies, boosts energy & optimism This is a crystal that provides motivation and determination.

You will often find me using this crystal on the Solar Plexus chakra


Heals, cleanses, aligns, personal growth & expansion, Meditation.

This type of crystal is amazing on all Chakras - Colour based


Powerful cleansing stone, eliminating toxins from the body, unblocking a sluggish digestive system, increasing metabolism and enhancing libido. Grounds, but at the same time increases vitality and energy as it is full of life-force. Also, a stone that attunes to the female reproductive organs, promoting fertility. A true power stone for releasing blocked trauma and energy from the body.

You will often find me using this crystal on the Root and Sacral chakras


A stone of positivity, inspiration and light. Alleviates depression, addiction, laziness and lack of self-confidence. Brings creativity, motivation, healing, cleansing, self-esteem, inner strength. A powerful regenerator and stimulates all the organs in the lower chakras, including pancreas, spleen and digestive organs. It holds no negative energy and repels all darkness and despair. Excellent for anxiety, depression, self-loathing and negative programming. (Cancer safe)

You will often find me using this crystal on the Sacral, Solar Plexus and Crown chakras



Heals & Cleanses, Learning patterns and beliefs, mental clarity, Psychic protection

(Great for All chakras colour based)


Very effective and grounding and protecting. effective in pain relief and healing. helps to bring focus, mental clarity and concentration, while also helping to cleanse the blood and circulatory systems and draw the energy Earthwards most effectively.

You will often find me using this crystal on the Root and Earth Star chakras



Grounds and stabilizes, balances, unblocks, harmonizes spirit and physical bodies, lower and digestive organs

You will often find me using this crystal on the Root chakra



Aligns all chakras, heals spine, truth & Integrity, Mediation, Overcoming fear

You will often find me using this crystal on the Throat and Third Eye chakras


Labradorite resonates with divine feminine energy and brings a deeply mystical wisdom to your healing sessions. It also helps sooth period pain and supports menopause.

You will often find me using this crystal on the Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third eye and Crown chakras

Lapis Lazuli

Cools & soothes, truth seeking and communication, psychic protection. Throat/Thyroid issues.

You will often find me using this crystal on the Throat and Third eye chakras


Stone of peace. Sweet and nurturing with protection. Unblocks mental and spirituality, heals physical body, reconciles the past with present, alleviates depression, release from being “stuck”

You will often find me using this crystal on the Heart, Third eye and Crown chakras


One of the most powerful absorbers of illness and low-vibrational energies. Acts like an energetic sponge for absorbing fear, anger and illness in the energetic body. Also works to provide energetic protection from illness and injury, as well as much-needed emotional support for the Heart Chakra. Protects physically and spiritually. Unblocks heart and emotions. An excellent crystal for clearing electromagnetic debris.

You will often find me using this crystal on the Heart chakra


Connects to nature, calms and sedates, spiritual awareness, fertility (women) enhances sleep

You will often find me using this crystal on the Root, Third eye, Crown and Earth Star chakras



EPowerful grounding, protecting and healing. A cleanser within the aura, strong protection stone. Shielding and absorbing any negative energy while enhancing truth and healing drawin out any mental stress and tension.

You will often find me using this crystal on the Earth Star chakra



Calming and soothing and a stone of purity. Grounding along with providing balance for body, mind and spirit. Protecting, healing, cleansing of the aura.

You will often find me using this crystal on the Earth Star chakra


Carries powerful earthing and grounding energies. It acts as a time-link to our ancestral past and evolution, reconciles the past. Orthoceras is also excellent for alignment and for work on the spine.

You will often find me using this crystal on the Root and Earth Star chakras



The most powerful healing stone and highly vibrational, with the ability to bring light, healing and cleansing on all levels. Powerful manifestation stone and works to enhance clarity, vision, protection from environmental and psychic pollution, realization of one’s dreams, insight, distance healing, energy amplification, spiritual growth, and positivity. (Cancer safe)

Good for ALL Chakras



Gentle, yet powerful Heart-healer. It comforts, heals, sooths, nurtures and loves. It opens the heart and treats emotional pain and grief while promoting self-acceptance, self-love and emotional release. Physically, Rose Quartz treats the heart and circulatory systems. Rose Quartz can also be good for the skin and used for relieving headaches. Compassion, forgiveness.

You will almost always find me using this crystal on the Heart chakra



Both grounds and raises the energetic vibration. excellent for cleansing and protection alleviates electromagnetic pollution, depression, negativity, and stress. benefits the physical body including hips and legs. providing protection and alleviating most ailments in the physical and spiritual body. (Cancer safe)

Good for ALL Chakras - You will also find me using very often on the Earth Star Chakra


A very high-vibration stone. Its purity makes it effective for cleansing spaces and creating protective shields around objects or people to repel all negative energy and remove dark entities. A stone for peace, alignment, meditation, understanding one’s purpose and highest intention. It holds no darkness and embodies purity. (cancer safe)

Amazing on ALL chakras - I love it for the Soul Star Chakra mainly

Shiva lingam

Grounds, provides masculine energy, fertility, sexual health, virility, stamina

You will often find me using this crystal on the Root and Earth Star chakras in my male clientele


A stone of communication, honesty, strength of voice and personal expression. Amazing Throat Chakra healer. Brings/promotes Truth. Calmness and Clarity will absorb into the energy centres.

You will often find me using this crystal on the Throat and Third eye chakras


Radiates Joy, release doubts & Fear, alleviates depression, abundance, positive and optimism

You will often find me using this crystal on the Sacral and Solar Plexus chakras

Tigers Eye

Protects against harm & evil, aligns, grounds, personal power & Success

You will often find me using this crystal on the Solar Plexus, Sacral, Root or Earth Star Chakras

Reiki principlesToday, I will not worryToday, I will not angerToday, I will be filled with gratitude Today, I will devote myself to my work and be kind